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Still slightly asleep I opened my eyes and looked at the girl laying on my chest. She looked beautiful. Her brown hair slightly in her face and her long thick lashes covering her eyes. Just as I went to move her hair out of her face, her eyes narrowed and found mine.

"Good morning," I muttered.


I stroked my arms over her back.

"I've honestly never done this before," she whispered.

"What?" I cried in surprise. 'You've never had sex before?' I asked panicked. 'Why didn't you tell me? I would've...'

'You would've what?' she asked laughing.

'I would've been more careful, I would've checked if I was hurting you,' I whispered in a panic.

What if I had hurt her?

"Dude, chill," she chuckled. That wasn't what I meant anyway. I meant I never had a one-night stand before," chuckled.

'Well it doesn't have to be a one night stand, right?' I asked teasingly.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked in alarm.

"You mean you never want to see me again?" I asked with a sad face.

"Err... I... Err..." she stuttered.

Did she really not know the answer to this, or had I just embarrassed her?

'I mean, we can keep seeing each other and become friends and maybe even more when we know each other better, right?' I suggested.

"I thought we already were friends..." she mumbled before resting her head against my chest.

"Just kidding," I whispered before kissing her hair.

"But I was serious about being more than just friends," I added in a whisper.

Man, the anxiety was killing me. Terrified that she would laugh at me and we were nothing at all.

"Maybe we can..." she agreed, looking into my eyes.

She laid her head back on my chest and I kissed her hair.

'Maybe we can,' I repeated to myself one more time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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