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'That took long,' Niall said as I walked into the room. Where did he come from?

'I couldn't sleep,' he said as if he could read my mind. He was holding a cup of hot chocolate. What a great idea, I thought as I made my way to the kitchen.

'But seriously mate, that really took long,' he said as he turned around and looked my way. He wasn't wrong, we skyped for almost 5 hours.

'Is that a problem?' I asked.

'No, it just took long,' Niall smirked while taking a sip from his drink. Well, trying to. It was definitely too hot as his face showed.

'No. Niall, no! That is definitely not what's goin' on!' I shouted.

'What's not goin' on?'he said oh so innocently. 'So, your Cinderella is coming over tomorrow, sweet prince charming.'

'Her name is not Cinderella, just Ella, and she's coming over because Zayn is gonna tutor her. She has a hard time with English,' I defended myself.

'Yeah sure,' he said with an sarcastic undertone.

'What? It's the truth!'

'So, you're not jealous? You know Zayn's gonna be alone with her in his room, right,' he started while I was trying to break through while repeating his name.

Niall just continued naming things why I should be jealous. This dude was crazy. A guy and a girl can just be friends, even after sleeping together. Look at Nina Dobrev and that Ian Somerhalder guy. They had a 3 years relationship and still remain friends. Everybody just needs to calm down.

'Niall', I shouted. 'I'm not in love with her. She's just a friend.'

'Sure?' I nodded. 'You really sure?' As a response I nodded again. 'Absolutely, really, definitely sure you're not a tiny little bit jealous because you're a tiny little bit in love with her?'

'I'm absolutely sure that I'm not jealous, because I'm not in love with her,' I said being totally done with this conversation.

'So you've never even kissed her?'

The sound of Louis' voice was definitely recognisable as he leaned against the doorframe.

And the worst part of it all was the fact that he had me. Figuratively, as in 'I-can't-talk-my-way-out-of-this-'cause-it's-the-truth', not literally.

'You've kissed her!? What? When? How?' Niall said while turning his head from Louis to me, and back to Louis.

'Do you remember when we went out like... a month ago?' Louis started making Niall nod and widen his eyes. 'He kissed her that evening,' Louis finished casually.


'Why?', Louis nearly shouted. 'Niall please, why do you think Harry kissed her?'

'I knew it! You do like her!' Niall shouted.

'I don't like her!' I protested. Yes, she was a very pretty girl, but I don't see her as a potential girlfriend.

'Then why did you kiss her?' Louis asked.



'Yes, I just felt like it,' I said shrugging.

'O now you really sound like an asshole. "I just felt like it".' Louis said while lowering his voice, clearly trying to imitate me.

'Okay dude, first of all, I do not sound like that. And second, I didn't even know her and I just couldn't help myself. She was standing there and it just happened.'

'So you do like her,' Niall asked.

'Yes Niall, I like her. I like her very much, she's a great friend.'

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