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'Hello there,' I grinned when I looked at the beautiful girl making her way towards the car. Wearing a high-waisted jeans and a blouse. She definitely had style.

'Are you sure your friend doesn't mind?' Ella asked as she stood in front of me. I thought about what Niall said. Zayn definitely wouldn't mind. Ella was for sure very pretty and had a wonderful personality.

'I'm sure,' I answered, still leaning against the car.

I opened the door for her waited for her to get in.

'Well, well, well, what a gentlemen,' she said as she raised her eyebrow a little and got in the passenger seat.

'Don't get used to it,' I smiled as I took place behind the wheel.

'O, I won't.'

'Harry?' she asked after a while. We were still driving to my apartment.

I hummed softly to let her know I was listening.

'Why did you kiss me?' she asked hesitantly.

I immediately froze in my seat. I knew she was talking about the night with Louis.

'Why are you asking,' I said. I didn't expect her to ask that. I honestly thought she forgot about it or maybe she was trying to.

'Just, curious,' she mumbled.

I looked over and saw her rosy cheeks. I couldn't help but smile. I don't know what it is exactly, but I love it when a girl has rosy cheeks. That's why I don't like girls who wear loads of make-up. Sure, it covers the imperfections. But it also covers the things that define a face. Freckles, rosy cheeks, a little scar, birthmark. All beauty.

'I don't know,' I answered her question. Damn you Styles. Of course you know why. You just told Niall and Louis.

'Promise me you will never do it again,' she said very, very serious when the traffic light went red.

'Why?' I asked grinning at her.

'Just promise me.'

I looked at the traffic light to see it was still red. I quickly moved over and brought my face close to hers, so I was nearly touching her lips. My lips becoming slightly damp as I could feel her heartbeat increasing.

'I promise,' I whispered while looking directly into her eyes.

My eyes flashed at the traffic light that just turned green so I sat up and drove on again, grinning at the fact that Ella was still breathing choppy.

'Harry?!' two voices said from the living room as I opened the door.

'No! I'm a robber with a key.'

I looked next to where Ella took off her coat. I took it from her and hung it on the coat rack while she looked around.

'This way young lady,' I said as I opened the door to the living room. Our apartment was on the third floor. It wasn't big, but it was what we needed. We all had our own room, so it was nice. When you walked in you were greeted by all our coats and shoes. They were literally shattered all over the floor. We made sure to clean up once in a while, but we were 3 young guys after all. When you come home drunk, there's no time for putting your shoes away. Our living room was cozy. It was nicely decorated, especially for us. There was a grey couch with a glass coffee table. We didn't have a dining table, c'mon, who needs one anyways. The kitchen was bright and was next to our little balcony.

'Guys, this is Ella, Ella, these are Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam.'

'Hi Ella,' Niall and Louis shouted. Of course they would. This was their way of teasing me.

I saw Ella waking up from her thoughts and then she smiled and mumbled a shy "hey".

'Since when are you so shy?' I whispered in her ear.

'Shut up, Styles.'

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