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'You're an amazing teacher, thank you so much!' Ella said to Zayn as I was waiting for her to come my way so we could leave.

'You're welcome,' Zayn said with slight red cheeks.

Niall immediately looked my way, but I shaked my head. As his friend I knew Zayn didn't know how to handle compliments.

'Bye guys!' Ella shouted quickly before I dragged her with me.

'How was he?'

her face was full of confusion.

'I mean "how was he as tutor"?' I clarified.

'He would make a great teacher,' Ella muttered, looking out the window.

'Are you alright?'I asked when I parked the car at the place where we had also met this afternoon.

'Yeah I'm fine,' she mumbled.

I studied her for a moment. She had been absent the whole time.

'OK, shall I bring you home?' I asked.

'No, I can...'

'No,'I interrupted her. I absolutely didn't want her to go home through the dark.

'Fine,' she sighed, then leaned back into the chair.

I started the car with a satisfied smile.

'I have no idea where you live,' I informed her as a sign to let me drive on the right track.

Half an hour later we were lost and neither of us knew where we were.

'I'm starving,' I mumbled.

I heard Ella's stomach growling in response.

'Well, that's clear to me, we're going to eat something,' I determined.


'Call your parents, tell them I'll take care of you.'

Ella leek nog te twijfelen, but grabbed her phone and called her mother.

'Hey mom, can I eat with Diana?' She said quietly, twisting her hair.

'OK, bye mom.'

'Diana,' I asked confused.

'Well... uhm...' she stuttered.

'Don't lie to me,' I said sternly.

'My mom thinks I'm with my best friend,' she confessed.


'Because she would never let me go to a house with five college boys,' she explained.

'I wouldn't do that either,' I reassured her with a wink.

'Now, where can we get something to eat?' I said.

'I have no idea.'

'And?' I asked curiously as Ella took a bite of her food.

'This is great! Yours?'

'Hmmmm,' I said after I took a bite.

'You want a bite?' I asked her.

I pushed my sandwich under her nose so she had to and she did the same to me.

'This is great food!'

'A big round of applause for The Burger King!' I shouted.

So a hamburger, actually we both had the same thing, but oh well.

A number of people looked at us strange as they passed by.

We also immediately asked for directions, so we could leave as soon as we finished eating, even though I had already forgotten the way.

'Next time I'll pay,' Ella said.

'OK, when do you want to go to Mac Donalds?' I asked.

Ella rolled her eyes and swallowed her last bite.

We sat for a while talking about all kinds of things and then we got up and walked to the car in the hope that we could find our way back.

dude, you fucked my sister: hs & ltМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя