Chapter 3

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Marionette's Pov:

After he finished fixing Toy Chica's finger, Marionette stood up just in time to hear a yell ring out through the restaurant. Goldie looked up and whispered, "Foxy. The Stage. Let's go." He quickly walked out of the office and Marionette followed closely behind.

They got to the stage and saw a shape on the ground. Marionette peered closer and realised it was a human. "Oh no." He whispered and took a step back.

"What?" Goldie growled and faced Marionette.

"Foxy discovered the secret..." He pointed at the human on the ground.

Goldie turned back to the Human Foxy and then back at Marionette. "Fantastic. Good job Puppet. How could you let him do that?! I thought you blocked it!"

"I was distracted, I didn't realise Foxy changed until he yelled!" Marionette said defensively and stalked past Golden Freddy and helped Foxy up.

Foxy rubbed his head and muttered, "What happened?"

Goldie took Foxy from Marionette's hands and sat him down on a chair. "You changed into your human form."

"Human form?!" Foxy gasped, "You mean... I can shape-shift?!"

Marionette joined in, "Correct. You can be in human, animatronic or animal form."

"How long have I been able to do this?" Foxy growled softly at Marionette.

The Puppet shifted his weight on his feet and avoided Foxy's burning gaze, "Your whole life..."

"What's this about changing into a human?" Freddy appeared in the room, followed by everyone else.

"Damn it Marionette! You messed this up!" Goldie snarled and stalked out of the room, "You sort this mess out while I go and calm down."

Marionette sighed and turned to the rest of the animatronics, "Okay... There is a secret Goldie and I have kept from you."

"Spill it." Bonnie demanded angrily.

"You can all change into two other forms; Human and animal." Marionette explained, "But if we told you, then you would have been irresponsible and made terrible mistakes, ending up in closing then restaurant or getting yourself killed."

"Well now that the restaurant is already closed, it's not much of a problem now is it?" Toy Freddy folded his arms over his chest.

Foxy spoke up, "I have an idea!"

Toy Freddy raised his eyebrows at Foxy, "Go ahead. Let's hear it."

Foxy ignored Toy Freddy and said, "What if we went in our human forms into the human place and find Mangle?"

Marionette shook his head, "We don't know where Mangle was taken. She could be dead for all we know."

"Don't say that!" Foxy yelled and got to his feet, hands curled into fists.

Before Marionette could answer, someone yelled behind him and he spun around to see Toy Chica had changed into her animal form. She flapped her wings wildly, her bright yellow feathers flew everywhere.

"Toy Bonnie, get her to change back. This is not a joke!" Marionette ordered briskly and turned back to Foxy, "And you! Change back immediately."

Foxy fold his arms around his chest. His piercing yellow eyes glared into Marionette's. "What if I don't want to?"

"You have to! Do it now!" Marionette snarled and took a step towards the Foxy.

Foxy let out a low choking sound and Marionette smirked softly when he realised Foxy was trying to growl. "Can't growl in human form." He stated with contempt.

Then there was a loud roar and Marionette let out an annoyed shriek, "FREDDY! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CHANGING FORMS?" He turned to see the big brown bear standing on all fours, glaring at everyone.

Toy Freddy was barely keeping his laughter in and Toy Bonnie was trying to coax Toy Chica to change back into her animatronic form. Bonnie and Chica were sitting at the back, muttering. Marionette sighed in fustration and stalked away from the group. They're so annoying!

"Having trouble?" Marionette looked up to see a smirking Golden Freddy and he felt his rage build up further inside of him.

"So what if I am?!" He tried to keep his voice steady but ended up yelling in anger.

Goldie chuckled and patted Marionette's shoulder, "Let me handle this. Watch and learn."

Marionette sighed heavily and leaned against the wall as he watched Golden Freddy easily order the animatronics around and get them sorted out. Ever since Mangle was taken, Goldie had been so ambitious and bossy with Marionette. It was clear their friendship was over, probably forever.


Foxy's Pov:

Reluctantly, Foxy changed back into his normal self and sat on a chair as Goldie bossed the others around.

I have to find Mangle. This is a perfect way to search for her! We could look around the human city and find her! But then again... I know nothing about how humans act... and Mangle could be anywhere...

He let his mind wander as he fiddled with his hook. The sharp point could easily do a lot of damage; Foxy had often accidentally poked himself. He trailed it along the side of the chair as the angry voice of Goldie boomed in the back of his mind.

"Wakey Wakey, pirate." Goldie grabbed Foxy by his shoulders and made him stand up. "Time to go back to Parts/Service room."

Foxy grumbled, "Why?"

"Because the sun is setting and you're old so your electronics need rest." The golden bear retored and shoved Foxy out of the room to see Freddy, Bonnie and Chica already rounding the corner and into the Parts/Service room.

Foxy strained against Golden Freddy and insisted, "We have to find Mangle. Now that we can change into a human we can search for her!"

"Enough!" Goldie growled, "That idea is idiotic and will never work! Now get back to your room before I force you to!"

Foxy threw his hands up in the air in frustration, "Fine, whatever! Sheesh." Then he stalked back to the Parts/Service room after the others.


Goldie sounds like a bossy mother sending Foxy to bed xD

Finding Her (Foxy x Mangle) #2Where stories live. Discover now