Chapter 4

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Mangle's Pov: (Yay!)

Mangle blinked her eyes open and looked around. She felt different. Her surroundings were different. Then, with a jolt she remembered what had happened on the day of The Bite.

As she was dragged away from Foxy, Mangle felt a hand on her and there was a click sound of a switch and she was plunged into darkness.

This was the first time she had woken up since the time she was shut down. She had no idea how long she had been off and where she was. All she saw was darkness. All she heard was beeping and whirring of her endoskeleton.

But even she, herself, sounded different. Mangle glanced down and noticed with a startled yelp that her wires and metal parts were no longer tangled up! She had a proper suit on. It was the same suit as the one from the day she was made. She had white fur and pink belly fur and paws. Her pink tail swayed behind her and she couldn't help a small smile form on her lips. I'm fixed at last.


Foxy's Pov:

The next morning, Foxy got up early and poked woke Freddy. The animatronic bear glanced up at Foxy in confusion and slight annoyance but whispered anyway, "What is it, Foxy?"

Foxy shuffled closer to Freddy and whispered, "We have to sneak out and find Mangle."

"We? Who said i would come?" Freddy was clearly holding back a humorous laugh and Foxy glared back, tail lashing.

"I'm being serious. Inside the manager's office should be some papers or something that should tell us where Mangle was taken!" Foxy explained to Freddy, who was still chuckling under his breath. "We can then go in our human forms out of the restaurant and out to wherever Mangle was taken. It's a perfect plan!"

Freddy put a hand over his mouth to stop his laughter and said between gasps as he tried to catch his breath, "How can just the two of us *gasp* go who-knows where to find Mangle? I mean *gasp* what do you expect us to do? *gasp* waltz into the human city and *gasp* demand information *gasp* on Mangle?!" He couldn't stop his laughter any longer and Foxy fought the urge to punch Freddy right in the face. This was a very serious matter and even his most trusted friend wasn't taking it seriously!

As Freddy clutched his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably, Foxy got up and left the room in a huff. "I'll just go alone then!" He muttered under his breath as he strolled into the Manager's office and started going through the draws and piles of ripped and broken pages.


At least an hour passed and Foxy still hadn't seen anything that lead to where Mangle had been taken- only documents and contracts from previous staff. He even found Jeremy Fritzgerald's contract from before The Bite. For a second, Foxy wondered if the previous nightguard was okay. Did he die? If he did die then Foxy was sure Mangle would be scrapped for murder of a human.

Right when Foxy was about to give up entirely, he spotted a drawer labelled as Animatronics. Foxy quickly opened the drawer and flipped through the pages in a blind panic. Hope blossomed inside of him and he felt certain he would find something to do with Mangle's whereabouts.

There was a document for everyone. Even Golden Freddy... These must have all been from the very first resturant. Foxy took out his own sheet of paper and glanced at it out of curiosity. There was a picture of him with short description beside it. Then the dates when he was made and the list of special features he had. Foxy's eyes scanned the list.

After a little while more of sifting through the draw, he saw Mangle's papers. They were similar to his, only it had an extra page stapled behind it. He flipped the first page over and gasped.

On the paper, held everything he needed to know about where Mangle was. It had the location, what they were planning on doing to her.. Everything.

Foxy glanced down at the location and read it. Then he quickly glanced at the current location of Freddy Fazbears's Pizza and realised with joy that the two locations were in the same area! Foxy could probably walk there, if he knew the directions. It would take at least a day, Foxy guessed, though he knew absolutely nothing about maps or anything like that so it could be really far away...

I have to convince everyone to come with me! I can't do this alone.


Finding Her (Foxy x Mangle) #2Where stories live. Discover now