chapter ten

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The latest week has been rough to the team. They all worried about Y/N and more exhausting was, that they couldn't find her anywhere.
Steve, Nat and Clint had been almost the whole week with SHIELD, trying to track
Y/N, but without any results. They came back to the tower to tell them bad news.

"Find anything?" Tony asked when they all had gathered into the common room. Nat shook her head.
"We tried, we did our best, but it looks like she just vanished. We can't find her anywhere." Steve told Tony, carefully as he tried to sound as positive as that situation let him.
Clint was frustrated, he kicked the table so hard that it flew across the room.
"You need to calm down." Nat told him and led him on the couch.
"How exactly, I could be calm if my best friend is missing..... disappeared?" Clint replied, his voice was heartbroken and hurted.
Nat looked down, she didn't know what to answer at that.

Everyone were quiet for awhile, until Thor spoke up.
"I need to tell you something.
I'm sorry, but I have to visit in Asgard. I need to leave today." Thor told them, apologizing tone in his voice.
"But I promise, I won't stay long. I'll come back soon to help with tracking Y/N." he said and pointed his eyes at Tony.
"Of course.." Tony said and nodded. He was clearly upset, but still tried to hide his concern.

"I can ask my father, Odin, if he had heard something of a midgardian lady, but I can't promise you any more than that." Thor said as he picked up his hammer and changed into his asgardian armor. Rest of the team nodded and wished a safe travel to their god of thunder.


You sat on the couch in huge boredom, when Loki passed by.

But then, the same guard ran to him and Loki turned on his direction. The guard looked scared as he looked at Loki.
"What is it?!" Loki grumbled at him, which made him look more scared. You looked at him amused, because he was so scared of Thor's brother.
Then the guard gave a look at you, as a hint that he wasn't going to talk in front of you. Loki understood and led him further while you stood up and watched them passing you and going to the other side of the corridor. You tried to manage your powers again on the guard, but this time something was stopping you. Or not something.


And you were clever enough to realize that it was Loki. He had stopped you from using your powers, probably with his magic.

Then you saw a hint of concern in Loki's face. He rushed towards you, but he didn't came to you. He walked right pass and ordered the man to stay here and guard you.
The guard nodded and stayed there, almost right in front of you but across the corridor.

Something had got Loki worried, and you were going to find out what.

You walked to the force field and stared at the guard. You noticed quickly that Loki had blocked your abilities to use your powers, even when he wasn't around.


How you were supposed to read his mind now?
Luckily, you were good at lying and tricks, you could even call yourself  'the goddess of mischief.'
Actually Thor had call you that once, after your and Clint's hilarious prank on him.

You kept staring at the guard, he looked up at you with confused look on his face. "What do you want?" he grumbled at you. "Nothing, actually I was just wondering, how did you end up in here?" you asked innocently. The guard grinned and then laughed.
"I know what you're trying, don't even think about it." he said with the same evil maniac sound in his voice as Loki had, but Loki's was more better and scarier without a doubt.
"I'm not trying anything, I'm just bored. As you can see, Loki had locked me up in here." you said and sat down on the floor with your bothering chains around your wrists and neck.
"So tell me, why did you end up in here?" you asked again. The guard looked actually pretty young and you wondered how he even have a courage to serve Loki. Maybe just because of that, he was young and afraid of the mighty god of mischief.
"If you really wanna know, Odin is ridiculous and that old man can't lead anything in here. He just brings war and suffer. By serving the prince Loki, I can make sure he will be displaced." the guard told you.
"By serving Loki? Seriously?" you laughed.
"And you tell me that he doesn't bring chaos or war and suffer? He is the god of mischief, you moron." you added and looked at him confused. He was clearly more stupid than you had thought. Surprisingly more stupid.

He stared at you awhile and then he started to laugh.
"Im not gonna fall to your stupid games! You're not going to piss me off and make me do something I would regret." he said and took few steps closer to you. Your smile has vanished, wasn't he really stupid enough after all? Maybe you could still figure something out to get him talk.
"I just really hope that Loki would kill you already." he grinned.
"So why he hasn't?" you decided to turn the conversation.
"You think I know?! You can ask him when he gets back from distracting that stupid oaf brother of his." he laughed maniacally.
And there it was, the answer to your question.

"Wait what? Is Thor here?!" you asked and stood up. The guard was speechless, he had just told you something that he really shouldn't had.
"No! Just shut up and stay there!" he said with hint of panic in his voice as he walked back to his position.

Thor was here? You needed to contact him and tell him you were here. But how? You were in that stupid dungeon and he was up there, probably in the palace, listening Loki's lies.


Thor entered to Asgard through the Bifrost. Heimdall was on his usual place, welcoming the prince home. But Thor didn't stay for a long, he needed to get to his father.

He rushed into the palace, and straight to the throne room. Odin was sitting there, on his throne.
"Welcome son, I have been waiting for you.
Now, tell me, is Midgard safe? How's the guarding going?" Odin asked his son, dropping his form as a king.
"The chitauries, they attacked on earth a week ago." Thor replied with hint of concern in his voice. Odin sighed heavily and stood up.
"They have always been a pain in the ass indeed." Odin said, leaving his politely talking as well.
"But they can wait. Father, I have something more important problem than that." Thor said, which made Odin more curious. He was about to ask what it was, when Loki entered into the throne room.

"Brother, nice to see you." Thor greeted with little sarcasm in his voice.
"We have sort of different thoughts about that, brother." Loki grinned as he walked over his father and brother.
"What brought you here, if I may ask?" Loki added. He wanted Thor out of there as soon as possible.
"Usual stuff, as you know." Thor replied, but then he got more serious when he remembered Y/N.
"I guess that concern on your face, tells that something is wrong in Midgard. More than just the Chitauries." Odin spoke up and looked at his older son. Loki's grin on his face disappeared the second Odin had mentioned the chitauries.
"You're right father.
One of the Avengers is gone. She disappeared and we can't find her anywhere." Thor explained and told them about the attack on earth.
Odin thought about Thor's words very wisely as Loki looked little bit frustrated and angry, but he hide it well. He was god of mischief after all.

"Y/N..... Stark. No I haven't heard about her recently or actually never before. But I assure you, my son, that I will tell you if I hear something." Odin said after a short silence. Thor nodded and then turned on Loki.
"Yes of course, brother. I will too." Loki sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Thank you." Thor said and slammed his hand couple of times against Loki's back. He didn't like it at all.

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