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this chap is only 850 words so it's kind of short ig(?) i am so sorry about the update delay i have been super busy with school and binging animes that i forgot about my story- aaaa im so sorry

this chap is only 850 words so it's kind of short ig(?) i am so sorry about the update delay i have been super busy with school and binging animes that i forgot about my story- aaaa im so sorry

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"what the fuck? i can walk myself, thanks." yuna declined, looking away from kai with a disapproving look which made the male scoff. "how ironic. just a second ago you were struggling to get up. hypocrite much-" he rolled his eyes.

"shut the fuck up, huening or whatever your name is!!" yuna yelled as she pouted before looking away. "stop being a baby and come on, it's really not that hard to suck up the fact that you cant fucking walk!" kai laughed while rolling his eyes, making yuna angrier.

"you son of a bitch! if my legs were okay i would've karate kicked you until you die!" yuna exaggerated which earned a laugh from the male.

"i know, that's why im seizing the opportunity." he confessed which made yuna's anger issues rise every second.

sighing, yuna groaned, "you are literally the bane of my existence. give me a break- first my manager and now you. i hate everything!" she whined while shifting around like an angry child.

"what's so hard about getting on my back? it's literally that simple. why? do you think you're too heavy for me to carry?" kai teased. "oh shut up! i'm light!! lighter than you at least." she commented.

"then just get on, you're wasting time!" the man groaned. yuna sighed, "no." she said before smiling sarcastically.

"the fuck are you smiling at? i'm this close to leaving you here and wait for those crazy fans to get you! be grateful when i'm still nice!" kai stated with an annoyed expression.

"well if you're going to be my husband, you have to deal with this!" yuna said without thinking.

"what?" kai asked as the sentence the girl just uttered sounds so wrong.




"no- that just— sounded so— never mind. just get on or i'm leaving you!" he exclaimed, trying to hide his blushing face. yuna in the other hand had no idea what she just said. hearing the fans's screams getting closer, the girl had no other choice but to hop on kai's back before he took off like usain bolt.

"slow the fuck down or you're going to drop me!" yuna whisper yelled. "you think i can?! those screams are getting closer, they must've heard our footsteps!" kai replied, keeping his composure while continuing to run.

"fuck. whatever. but just know if you drop me i will hit you with my broken heel until you die!" she continued violently. "roger that, captain." kai rolled his eyes.

after running for a couple minutes, kai huffed, "what did you eat? you weigh a ton!" he exaggerates which made yuna gasp. offended, she took her heel and softly smacked kai's head, "say it one more time and i'm snitching our location to those fans." she threatened.

"no but seriously though- how much is your weight?" kai continued to tease. annoyed, yuna jumped off of him and whisper yelled, "who the fuck are you to ask me that question?! and for the record, its mass, not weight you uneducated buffalo!!"

"what's the difference anyway- they're both the same." kai replied nonchalantly. "weight is the pull of gravity on an object and is measured by newtons, meanwhile mass is the amount of matter in an object and is measured by kilograms- therefore your weight would change if you're in a place with less gravity but your mass remains constant. geez didn't we learn weight= mass x gravity in like sixth grade physics?" yuna rolled her eyes.

"okay whatever you say, nerd." kai scoffed. "who are you calling nerd?!" yuna yelled a little too loud, unknowingly giving away her and kai's hiding spot. having jumped off kai's back, the two had no time to run away before the fans arrived and angrily spat mean things towards the two.

"look it's yunshit, the girl who stole my kai!!" one of them yelled.

"watch who you're calling yunshit, bitch! hining kai or whatever his damn name is stole my yuna!!" another argued.

despite the mean slurs and names the so called "fans" were spitting at them, the two didn't feel offended whatsoever. all they could think of as of the moment is to run away from these lunatics and find a place to hide or find their managers.

while the two idols were in deep thought, a couple "fans" that were on the back of the commotion ran towards the front line with raw eggs in hand.

yuna who was still thinking of a strategy to escape did not see the crazy "fans"s motives, meanwhile the make idol widened his eyes as he realized what the fans were about to do to yuna.

without thinking twice, kai jumped in front of yuna to protect her from the disgusting raw eggs which the so called "fans" threw at her.

however, he didn't realize the position they were in. kai was hugging yuna from the front, his jacket stained with raw eggs that he protected yuna from.

not minding that whatsoever, kai said with a worried expression, "are you okay?"

—end  of chapter thirteen

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