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"You said you're going to show me around, right?" I ask while glaring at Clarkson.

"Yep," he answers with a smile. He continues to drag me to the entrance of the village.

"But why are we running outside!?" I ask in confusion and gasp for air.

"We should act as if you haven't been here before," he explains.

"But why?" I frown. "Sometimes you're weird. You know that?"

"Nah. Humans are the weirdest. I'd rather talk to mermaids than talk to humans," he teases and laughs loudly. I watch him as he drags me. His red locks are tied up in a topknot. The denim jacket he wears bounces together with the beat of our footsteps. He looks at me as soon as we get to the entrance of the village.

"Okay. Let's start," he brightly smiles at me, which turns the darkness of the night sky to morning sunshine.

I smile at him and nod. My feet take a step as I look around, acting like a total stranger.

"Saufe!" Clarkson greets with open arms and a full grin plastered across his lips. "Welcome to Wolves place, ruled by Dranula, our current Alpha."


"I'm Liev," Clarkson says.

"Oh, so you're using your real name, huh?" I tease.

"Stop! Don't ruin the moment!" he glares.

"M'kay," I chuckle. "I'm Antoniette, then," I casually say and start walking through the woods.

His mouth gapes. "Did you just–"

"Don't ruin the moment," I quickly whisper.

"Antoniette," he nods. "What a beautiful name."

"That's too lame, you know," I laugh loudly. "Stop using those cliché lines that you watched from my laptop."

"You're out of your character!" he whines.

I grab his arms while laughing loudly. "Okay, back to our mini role play, Liev."

He removes my left hand from his arms and puts his arms around my waist.

"You see these woods, Antoniette?"

"Mmm, hmm," I nod while admiring the sight of tall forest trees. Who would've thought that unbelievable creatures live in this wide and peaceful forest?

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