Oh How The Tables Have Turned

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Minho had been in a mood lately, a playful one. You could say it was a ler mood, but he wouldn't call it that. It was more of a 'tickle everyone you see cause you're bored' type mood. He had been doing this for a while now, having an advantage since most of the members were in the dorm at the times he felt like attacking, but today, today was a little different.

"Come on guys, come out! I won't hurt you." Minho called out to the four younger members who were hiding around the dorm.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at that. He was hiding behind an open door, his breathing shallow as he tried to make his presence as unknown as possible. The three youngest members were a different story all together. They wouldn't stop giggling from where they were hiding. It was like they wanted to be found.

And it didn't help Hyunjin at all since Jeongin was hiding under one of the beds in the room he was in.

"Jeongin." Hyunjin's whisper was sharp as he tried to get the younger to shut up. "Be quiet."

"I'm sorryhy." Jeongin giggled again, and clapped his hand over his mouth in an instant when he heard shuffling nearby. Minho slipped into the room before they could even notice him enter. They were both dead.

"I know someone's in here," Minho spun around in the middle of the room. "Don't be scared, come on out."

Hyunjin's heart was beating so fast as he tried to calm his breathing. He had no idea what he could do to get out of this situation. He should have just went with Chan and the others to get dinner. Damn it.

Minho spun again, and this time he looked down towards one of the beds to see a finger sticking out from under it. Minho rolled his eyes.

"Well, I guess there isn't anyone in here," he sighed, pulling an act as he made his way over to the door again. Only then did he finally see Hyunjin hiding there. "Or maybe I'm wrong, who knows." He continued to act oblivious as he pretended to walk out of the room. Hyunjin almost signed with relief, until he felt his arm being tugged. He was thrown out from behind the wall and tackled to the ground.

"No!" The taller screeched as he fought but failed to get away from Minho and his evil fingers.

"Now, if you stop fighting this will be less horrible for you." Hyunjin glared up at him the best he could, looking around to catch a quick glimpse of Jeongin. He could see his face, he was trying to think. Like he could do anything to save him anyways.

Hyunjin came to the last thing he thought he could do. Screaming. "Guys! Help me! He's gonna kill mehehEHE!" Minho quickly dig his fingers into Hyunjin's ribs, eliciting an even louder scream from him. "Nohoho- don't- DON'T! AHA! DO NOHOHOT-"

"You made a very poor decision there, why would I let you go without punishing you for screaming?" Minho smiled evilly as he continued to dig his finger into Hyunjin's armpit.

It was all too much for him to handle, and he honestly thought he was going to die at that very moment. Minho reached down towards the younger's hip, and Hyunjin was mentally preparing himself for a bunch of screaming and a massive headache after it all, but no screaming came, well, from him at least.

Minho toppled over Hyunjin, gasping and trying to not yelp as four hands attacked him from behind. Hyunjin quickly pulled himself together to help the two attackers, which he soon saw to be Felix and Seungmin. They had a look of fear in there eyes, as if they were currently waking up a sleeping dragon. They knew attacking back was the wrong thing to do, yet they still did it. They've been having enough of Minho's shit, and all four of them knew that in the end, they would have made him pay somehow.

"This is the last straw, hyung!" Seungmin spoke out bravely as the three younger members watched Minho crumble beneath their tickly fingers.

Jeongin squirmed out from under the bed to join them, looking a lot more confident than he had before.

"Guys! Guys- wahahait! WAHAHAIT-" Minho screeched when fingers crawled up his thighs. "JEONGIN- jeongin plehehease!"

"Please what, hyung? 'Please tickle me more'?" Jeongin teased as he continued to tickle his thighs, moving towards the backs of his knees.


"That's not a nice thing to say to us." Felix pouted from his spot beside him, his fingers still going to work under Minho's arms. "Are you trying to give yourself more time of this?"

"NOHOHO- please, I'm sorry ihiHI'M SORRY!" Minho cried out, his face was scrunched adorably as he tugged weakly at Seungmin's hands that were at his ribs.

"Don't try to escape on us now!" Seungmin's threw his leg over to straddle Minho, and Felix and jeongin worked to fight his hands so that they could pin them down above his head. Minho was weak, so that wasn't really a problem for the two of them.

"Now," Seungmin stopped to look down at a very tired Minho. "Why do you keep tickling us? And why did you think you could just get away with it?"

Minho whined out when he felt Seungmin's fingers at the hem of his shirt. "You're taking too long to answer, hyung." The younger warned.

"Okay, okahahay!" Minho hoped that would make Seungmin's painful teasing motions stop, and he was right about that, for now at least.

"I don't know what to say, other than I was bored and took advantage of the fact that you guys were the only ones in the dorm." He looked at anything but the three boys sitting on top of him. He didn't know why he couldn't make eye contact with them, but he could feel his cheeks start to go red under their stares.

"Aw look, he's blushing," Felix cooed as Seungmin poked the areas along the edge of his shirt.

"I didn't know Minho hyung could be so adorable." Seungmin said as his fingers started to slip under his shirt. Minho jerked upward, his strength was back a little bit, and Felix and Jeongin startled as they scrambled to get a better grip of his arms.

"S-Seungmin, please. Don't d-doohoo this, Seungmin!" Minho squirmed under the four of them as said boy continued to crawl his hands up Minho's bare sides, dipping his hands to lightly trail them over the outer edges of his back. Minho squealed, tugging on his hands in desperation.

"Seungmin nohohoho! PleASE AHAHAHA-" Fingers reached his ribs and Minho crumbled again, twisting in their grip as he tried to get away. "AHAHA!"

"Aww! Look at hyung squeal!" He felt Hyunjin's hands on his hips and that's when he finally lost it.

"OKAHAHAHAY- OKAY! OKAY OKAY! PLEHEHEASE! IHI'M SOHOHORRY! PLEASE!" Minho screamed out, and that's when the four members realized that he had finally had enough. They got off of him slowly, leaving light ticklish touches along the way.

"Do you promise to never bother us as much as you did today, ever again?" Seungmin's voice was low, but there was playfulness in it as Minho looked up and gave him his best glare.

"Yes, I promise. Just- never do that again." Minho said flatly as he got up off the ground and took his leave.

"Hopefully that taught him a lesson." Felix whispered even though Minho wasn't with them anymore.

"Me too," Hyunjin agreed. "Now! Who wants to watch a movie?"


Here's a request I got! Sorry for being MIA, I'll try to post  once in a while when I get the chance to <3

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