Say It

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Chan is having a hard time with saying any words related to tickling, so they force them out of him the old fashioned way :)


"No tickle fights right now please and thank you." The sound of Minho's annoyed voice filled the room, managing to echo over Seungmin and Jeongin's loud laughter. "Ya'll are loud at all the wrong times. I'm trying to read."

"No tickle fights right now please and thank you." Seungmin turned to Minho with a sly smile as he mocked him, the older throwing a glare right back at him.

"Be quiet before I come over there and tickle you myself." Minho grumbled, and Seungmin scoffed.

"Damn," Seungmin smirked and nudged his chin out at Minho. "Bite me."

"You know what-" Minho threw his book aside and jumped up, taking large strides towards Seungmin, whose face immediately fell as he recoiled backwards  and right into Jeongin.

"Jeongin- wait! Let gO!" Seungmin squirmed away from Jeongin, which only helped the younger pull him to the ground.

"Ahhh, look at poor Seungmin, all helpless." Minho's tone was calm, an evil calm.

"D-Don't talk like that-" Seungmin squealed as soon as Minho's fingers poked his sides, squirming and making even more noise then he was before with Jeongin. "MINHO NOHOHO-"

"Dang, and I thought you couldn't get any louder!" Minho teased him, as he shoved his hands into his armpits. "What are we going to do with you-"

"Okay guys, enough." Chan's voice, although he didn't yell, boomed through the dorm's living room. He had come from the kitchen, hearing the hysterical laughter coming from Seungmin was something he just couldn't take. He could never take it, the sounds always made him blush, especially when tickling was involved. Oh, he despised that word as well, which is why it was going to be so hard to properly tell them to stop. "Stop- doing that." He waved his hand around as he choked over the sentence, thinking that making a speedy getaway would save him from getting questioned.

"Doing what, Chan?" Minho asked in his playful voice, and that was when Chan knew he was not making it out of this one alive. "I can't stop doing... whatever I'm doing if I don't even know what it is."

"Minho, you know what you're doing-"

"What's going on in here?" Changbin's voice floated through the room and hit Chan straight in the face when he heard it. Everyone piled in behind him, as if this was some type of show.

"I don't know? Chan, what are we doing, hm?" Minho asked again, smiling when he saw Chan's ears start to go red.

"Just stop okay-"

"I mean, Minho's obviously tickling Seungmin, and Jeongin is helping by holding him down, it's not hard to see." Hyunjin explained, and Chan had to block out that sentence halfway because he just couldn't take it.

"Yes, but Chan doesn't seem to know what's happening," Minho wouldn't stop as he turned towards Chan once again, their leader was fidgeting and looking at anything but them. "What is it Channie? You having a hard time saying something."

"Minho I swear-" A gasp sliced through his sentence, and the whole room went silent as Felix started to speak.

"Does Chan hyung not like saying the word 'tickle'?" Felix finally said, and Chan facepalmed, mostly to hide his now blushing face. "I think my theory is correct!"

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