Wake up it's Morning Time

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I know right i'm so good at titles ;-;
"Oh Changbin~ wake up~" Minho sang in his usual cheery voice as he walked, or barged as Changbin would like to say, into his room. The younger groaned.

"Hyuuung, stop bothering me in the morning all the time." Changbin whined as he shoved his face into his pillow.

"Oh, but I've brought a friend with me." Minho said, and when he didn't continue to say who it was, Changbin peeked out from under the pillow to see a cheery Seungmin standing beside him.

"Minnie!" Changbin squealed, throwing his pillow aside so he could use his hands to make grabby gestures towards the younger. "Come." He pouted.

"Hi Bunny!" Seungmin squealed back as he skipped over to throw himself onto the older.

"You know what, I regret bringing him in here with me. Morning duty should always be only me." Minho sighed.

"No," Changbin pouted. "Seungmin." He pulled the younger boy closer to him, and Seungmin made grabby hands towards Minho.

"You know what, never mind." Minho smiled as he walked over to the bed and climbed up on it. Wrapping his arm over Seungmin's waist and the other under Changbin's back. Unfortunately for Changbin, Minho brushed up on the wrong spot while trying to get his arm under him, which caused a squeal to slip out before he could stop it.

Minho looked up at him, confusion evident in his eyes. "Was- Was that a squeal?" He asked, a smile forming on his face as he wiggled his hand on Changbin's back, causing the younger boy to giggle and arch his back. "It was!"

"Aw, is our Bunny ticklish!" Seungmin cooed at him while reaching over to wiggle his fingers over the older's side.

"Seungmin noho!" Changbin choked out while trying to grab at his hand, but both his arms were trapped around Minho and Seungmin. "Get awahahay!"

"What are you going to do~?" Minho teased while bringing his other hand up to run it lightly over his clothed side.

"Minhoho! Nohoho stahahap!" Changbin giggled hysterically as he tried to pull himself out of this mess, but that only resulted in pulling himself deeper. "Let me gohohO!" As Changbin was squirming around trying to free himself, his shirt rode up the slightest little bit and, of course, Seungmin had to notice.

"Look! Changbin's tummy is peeking out!" Seungmin pointed out while reaching down to poke it. "It's like it's asking to be tickled."

"AhahahaHAH!" Changbin cried out when Seungmin poked harder and more consistently.

"Wait, I know what to do." Minho suddenly said, and Seungmin stopped to see where this was going to go, and without warning, Minho shoved his hand right up the poor boys shirt and into his armpits.


"I hit a weak spot!" Minho squealed in excitement as he continued to wiggle his hands in his armpits and all over his upper torso.

"G-Get your hand out of my shihihihiHIRT!"

"Fine fine." Minho pouted while removing his hand. "Get up before I make you get up."

"I can't with you two here." Changbin said, and Minho rolled his eyes before getting up, dragging Seungmin with him.

"If we don't see you out of bed in five minutes we're coming back." Seungmin called back to him as he was dragged out of the room.

Changbin didn't get up after five minutes.

all i have to say is :D

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