The Unexpected Chase

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Hyunjin and Changbin didn't know why the chase started, it just... happened. One second they were sitting on the couch, and the next they were running away from all the other members. ALL of them. That was not a good sign... no wait, it was never a good sign.

At this point, Changbin was out of breath, but Hyunjin encouraged him to keep going by grabbing his arm and tugging him along. The taller boy had yelled out to the members loads of times during this (so far) five minute chase asking why they had started this mess, but no one spoke. Only trampling could be heard and a bunch of "get over here's" as well.

Okay, when you come to think about it, events in  Stray Kids' dorm were never done for a reason. Things would just happen out of the blue and the members would just deal with it, but right now was different. Six against two members meant something was gonna go down voluntarily, and Hyunjin and Changbin did not wanna be the victims of it.

"Come here, kids!" They heard Chan call out from behind them. He sounded close, too close, and not out of breath which was not a good sign because it seemed like Hyunjin and Changbin would be giving up p-r-e-t-t-y soon.

"W-What do you guys want!" Hyunjin asked, panting as he, literally, dragged Changbin to the nearest bathroom, shoving them both in it and locking the door. He was thrown away from it when the members all slid to a stop on the other side, banging against it full force.

"It's that fact that they forgot we have a spare bathroom key for me." The two could hear Felix perfectly from behind the door, scared out of their minds about what would happen next.

"I'll go get the key." Jisung grumbled before his footsteps could be heard padding away from the scene.

"Shit!" Hyunjin whispered at Changbin, who was half listening and half trying to breathe.

"I-I don't know what they're gonna do to us, b-but I'm scared." Was all he said in response. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall when Hyunjin sighed and turned away from him.

They sat there for a while, Hyunjin giggling slightly when he heard a few muffled protests and threats being thrown at Jisung. Hyunjin could hear the younger's annoyed voice as he came to the door, and a key could be heard sliding through the lock.

"I'm not mentally prepared for what's about to happen next." Changbin spoke out.

The lock clicked and the door open, revealing six very mischievous faces staring back at the two. Chan was the first to walk in, not hesitating to walk right up to Hyunjin, grabbing him and pulling him along no matter how much struggling the younger did. Minho came a did the same with Changbin, who was very vocal unlike Hyunjin.

"Get off me you brat!" He yelled as Minho dragged him up with some help from Jisung and Felix. Jeongin and Seungmin had followed Chan to the couch where he had dragged Hyunjin to.

"Why?" Was all Hyunjin said as he was thrown on the couch. "One, we did a full lap of this house for nothing and two, it's too late for this."

"Where did my pumpkin pie go?" Chan asked him, glaring straight at his face as if Hyunjin had just done something illegal.

"So you're telling me," Hyunjin sighed mid-sentence and facepalmed, running his hand down his face and resting it on his chin. "That ALL this is happening because you're mad at us for eating the pumpkin pie that was in our fridge."

"Yes." Chan said flatly. Hyunjin gawked at him, his brain going blank as he tried to process how stupid this whole situation was.

"Nobody claimed it. Nobody." Hyunjin emphasized. "You can't get mad at us. We saw it and we ate it."

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