The night it all fell apart

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The seat was cool under them as they lay sprawled by the window, a pleasant breeze blowing across their faces. Cigarette smoke curled around them while a record played in the background. Remus snuggled closer into his boyfriend, mindlessly humming along.

"I love you"

"Yeah I know" sirius replied, smirking. "I love you too" He leant down, closing the gap between them.

The phone started ringing. "Ugh i'll get it."

"Alright, come back soon though"

Sirius shot him a smile before standing up and walking over to the phone. Still grinning, he picked it up, but as soon as the voice on the other line sounded, his face dropped. Remus watched the colour drain from his face until Sirius was standing there, unmoving, showing a look of pure horror. Concerned, Remus walked up and went to reach for him, but before Remus could touch him, Sirius apparated. Alone and confused, Remus paced the kitchen, making a list of all the reasons Sirius would have disappeared like that...

Dumbledore called him onto a mission
Their friends were in trouble
His mother was anywhere nearby
Mary or Peter were dead
Lily and Jam.... No! Sirius was their secret keeper, it wasn't possible.

None of those reasons seemed likely. Something terrible had definitely happened. Remus knew that from how Sirius had reacted; very few things rendered Sirius Black speechless. Remus decided that Sirius would come back eventually, so he sat at the table anxiously tapping his foot. After what felt like hours of waiting, he glanced up at the clock... '5 minutes, it's been 5 minutes. Jesus this is gonna be a long night.'

He wished there was something he could do, but Remus couldn't think of anything. He flipped the record to the B side, but could barely hear the music over the hum of his own thoughts. Two hours and many cups of coffee later, Remus knew he had to start looking for his boyfriend. Sirius always made an effort to send a patronus message if he got called out on a mission that was going to last. But nothing... radio silence.

Remus figured Dumbledore would probably know where Sirius was, but he was too important to trouble, so Peter sounded like a solid first try. He apparated there in a second, his heart thumping with anticipation and fear.

"Peter? Peter! You there?"

The door was wide open, especially strange considering the tight security measures the order had implemented. His wand held high, Remus crept, cautiously into the house. The place looked like it had been ransacked, papers littered the floor with some items of furniture turned on their side. Either some thief had been looking for something, or Peter had had to leave in a hurry. Remus had a sinking feeling it was the latter.

A single tear rolled down Remus' cheek, whether it was from fear or confusion he didn't know, but panic was starting to rise in his chest. The upstairs was just as bad, and it was deathly quiet. What was happening?! In war, you had to suspect the worst, Remus knew that, but he had a feeling something big was going on here.

The next place to check was the Potters' they could all be there and Remus could just be overreacting... god he hoped so. He'd only been there a couple times since they went into hiding, to protect their location but he reckoned he could apparate there if he tried.

There it was, the demolished, once welcoming home of the Potters. With one look at it, Remus fell to his knees, sobbing. The whole upstairs was blown apart and the door had been ripped off its hinges. In the dark of the night , the place had an unshakable eerie feeling.

Had he found them?! HOW DID HE FIND THEM?!

Shaking, with tears streaming down his face, Remus crept into the wreck and prepared for the worst. Rest assured, he found it. There he lay, motionless, his eyes glassy and a final act of courage shown upon his face. Remus' breathing stopped. He crouched down, imagining James sitting up, telling him to stop worrying. But he didn't move, he didn't even twitch. James was dead.

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