Part 19 ~ i got raped💔

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I leave and started walking down the street there was a lot of people and taxis everywhere but there was a guy he keeps following me I start to speed up my walk but he was right behind me...

I go through an alley and he was right behind me i turn around and say "who are you?" He start to run towards me I froze I was to scared to more it was my ex best friend we would always tell everything to each other but when he found out that I had to more away he stop talking to me and started talking trash about me....

He grabs my hair and pulls me down he had powers like me but not as many as I do he didn't know what all his powers where...

I says "hel-.." he covers my mouth and I try pushing him off but couldn't he was using his powers to stop me he start to hit me and punch me I finally pushed him off of me and got up but not long till he tackles me again but this time he grabs my arm and breaks it I yell In pain he says "this is what you get for leaving me!" He hits my head against the floor and I black out....

Hours later!:(

I wake up in an alley my body hurts it was dark out my arm was still broken I think one of my ribs are broken and my leg. I had a lot of bruises and scratches everywhere I was half naked I'm guessing he fucked me I feel weak and powerless and I had blood everywhere around my body I had a knife cut on the side of my stomach and leg I try using my powers to go back home but didn't work I just stay there and start to cry.....

I sit in the alley cold "why haven't you found me yet".....

Fives POV
I wake up and see that y/n wasn't in bed I get up and run downstairs and look around the house she was no where to be see I wake everyone up and tell them what's going on...
My body hurts so much I can't feel my legs and my arm hurts and these cuts are making me feel so tired. I should have just stayed home and cuddle with Five but no I had to find my ex best friend😓.....I fall asleep shivering and hurt.

No ones POV
Five can't find y/n so he goes to the police station and he says y/n's missing the police do a search party starting in 24hours he goes back home with everyone else and they are all worried about y/n.....

Two hours later....

I wake up and my body still hurt and still had a broken arm and cuts and bruises all over me. I try to get up but fall I grab on to a stick that was on the floor and get up with it and use it as a stick walker (how ever the you say it) I walk home and open the door... lights where out I yell "HELP!!!" I crying out loud I fall to the floor.

I hear someone walking downstairs it was Allison she sees me and says "y/n is that you?!" I say "help me please!" She doesn't see my body. She turns on the lights and sees me in bruises, cuts, and on the floor...

She says "omg y/n!!" She runs up to me and holds me tight and says "we have to go to the hospital!!" I say "o-o-ok..." I was so scared and weak that I couldn't speak properly....

Allison picks me up and we head towards the car she puts me in the backseat and she drives there as fast as she could....

We get there and Allison picks me up and runs inside and yells for help I black out....

                            Allison POV
The doctors run with a bed and put her on it they take her to the emergency room and I start to freak out a nurse comes and tells me to wait in the waiting area. The nurse trying to calm me down and giving me water.....

5 hours later

                               Y/n POV
I wake up in a room and there was a whole bunch of doctors looking at a clipboard I say "h-hello..."

One of the doctors look up from the clipboard and say "hey you are finally up" she had a soft smile...

I say "m-my body h-hurts.." she says "Hun you were deeply injured I will give you something that will calm the pain but for now do you want me to call anyone from the waiting room or over phone?" I say "I-I-I w-want m-m-my s-sister in the waiting room" the doctor says "the one who Took you in?" I say "yes please and thank you" the doctors all leave and I just look out the window about to cry....

After a few minutes I hear the door open I look over and see Allison and the police....

Allison runs up to me and hugs me softly so she doesn't hurt me. Allison says "y/n what the hell happened??!?" I start to cry and say "my o-o-old b-best friend from b-b-back then..." she breaks the hug and looks at the police she walks away from me and sits in the chair next to me....

The police start to ask questions and I tell them everything that happened and what the asshole did to me...

After Allison had a very bothered face I look at her with a tear in my eye the police leave and Allison walks up to me and hugs me and sits on the edge of the bed I cry on to her shoulder and she keeps telling me "is ok" or "your ok now" I fall asleep on her shoulder.....

                                Allison POV
Y/n falls asleep on my shoulder and I lay her back and put the blanket on her. I sit back on the couch and fall asleep....

                Next day (still Allison POV)
I wake up and y/n was still sleep I get up  and walk out the room and left the hospital and got in my car and drove home....

Ones I get there I go inside and see everyone in the kitchen sitting at the table with breakfast they weren't laughing the weren't smiling I say "the hell is going on here!" With a smile on my face Five says "why you smiling asswipe?" I say "oh nothing just that I found Y/N!" Diego says "where the hell is she??" Vanya says "is she ok?" I say "calm down I will tell you everything" I start to tell them what happened...

                                Y/n POV
I wake up and Allison wasn't there I hear a knock on the door I say "come in..." it was the nurse with food and some pills I say "is that for me!" She says "yea" with a smile on her face she brings the tray and I start to eat....

Few hours later!

I was watching tv and I hear a knock on the door is 6:47am who is visiting me at this time the door was locked I get up slowly and grab on to the table next to the bed and walk slowly to the door I unlock it and it was Five and Diego...

I hug Five and he hugs me tightly he says "omg y/n what the hell are you doing out of bed!" He carries me back to the bed and lays me down gently Five says "I'm sorry for what happened I should have gone with you" I say "is ok" I try as hard as I can trying not to slur my words....

Diego hugs me and I hug him back he says "are you ok Allison told us what happened!" I say "I-I'm f-fine" Five says "who the hell is these mother fucker I want to kill him!" I say "please calm down" Five says "he hurt you I'm not calming down!!!" I flinch and say "please d-dont y-y-yell" he walks up to me and kisses me on the forehead and says "sorry princess.." I say "I-I-is ok" Five sits on the bed with me and Diego says "well hope you fell better I have to go" I say "ok" with a smile on my face he leaves and Five says "you want to cuddle?" I say "yes please"......

Maybe the same episodes but meh❤️😭👹✨☺️

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