~Part 31 - unpacking~

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Y'all really thought I was leaving I'm not..

                              Y/n POV
Five, Ivy, and Aidan get in the car and I sit back and relax in my seat...

Five grabs my thigh and tightens his grip a bit..

I open my eyes and look at him and he looked at me with a smile and says "they told me.." I look back at Ivy and Aidan and see them cuddling and Aidan rubbing ivy's stomach

I look at the Natalia and she was sleeping as well. Five starts driving to the new house and I fall asleep.....

3 hours later

I wake up and I was in bed...

I look around the room was empty I was in an empty room with a bed in it...

I get up and walk out and see that I  was in the mansion I hear the baby crying down stairs and i run down...

I look around looking for her and I find her she was with Five...

"Thank god" I thought in my head

I walk toward him in the living room and Five says "good morning princess." I say "what time is it?"

Five says "it's 1:47am, why?" I say "how long was I out for?" Five says "three hours." I say "why didn't you wake me up?" Five explains "you literally had a baby 48 hours ago, you need rest.." I slap my face with my palm and and walk to get the baby...

He gives me her and she calms down...

She pulls softly on my shirt and I smile at her and she smiles back at me...

Aidan comes in through the door and has a lot of boxes with him. I say "what is all of that?" He says "oh uh sense we are moving in I have to bring my stuff with me you know." I laugh and say "I guess" while still giggle at him...

He ask while smile trying not to laugh "what so funny? Huh?" I laugh even more and say "nothing." I stop laughing and look at Five he was look at him phone...

I grab it and see what he's looking at and he was texting Diego...

I ask "what's this??" He says "nothing" trying to grab his phone I space jump before he could grab his phone and I look at the messages...


D: bro you coming to the club or what?

F: yea I'll be there in a bit let me just make sure y/n's in bed.

D: well tell me if she's sleeping I'll be waiting at the club.🤪

F: she's sleeping be there in a bit.
I question kinda angry "Oh so you where going to the club?!?" He says "yea I mean is not like I'm going to drink" I say "fine go ahead but don't come back home until you fix yourself."

He leaves frustrated and I go upstairs and put the baby in bed....

I get some comfortable clothes to sleep in and go downstairs take some whine from the fridge and go to my bedroom and get in the bathtub...

I think about what I could of done so Five wouldn't have left...

I drink and drink and drink and drink. I get out and feel a bit dizzy and put on my sleeping wear..

I go to the trash can and throw up blood and I fall on the floor. I start to craw towards the door out of my room and I hear Aidan yell my name...

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