~Part 28 - he did it~

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I wake up slowly and see Five sleeping...

He was cuddling me on the hospital bed. I look at the time it was 10:24am....

Five starts to wake up and sees me awake and hugs my tightly. I say "how long was I out for?!" Five kisses me and calms me down...

He says "just for half of the day yesterday and all night" I nod and bury my face into his chest and he rubs my back while playing with my hair...

He looks at me and says " you might not remember clearly but who did this to you, princess?" I look at him and frown...

He says "hey is ok if you don't wanna tell me then you don't have to." I shake my head and say "it was my ex best friend..."

He start to look frustrated...

I say "baby, just leave it." He says "no! He always hurts you I'm done with that!" I say "Nono I don't want you to get hurt bubs." I hug him tightly while starting to cry....

He hugs me back and kisses my forehead. He says "one last time and he's dead." I nod and he wipes my tears off my face with his hand and rubs my cheek...

He kisses me softly I look at my stomach and it was four month and it hasn't been four month...

I say "not again." Five says "what?" I say "well you remember that thing that happened with Aidan when he was growing in my stomach very quickly?" He nobs and I say "well is happening again." He looks at my stomach under the covers and says "woah."

The baby start to kick and my stomach start to hurt and the stab on my side stomach was no help....

I take off the bandage and there was nothing there is like the baby knew I was hurt and help me...

Five looks at me I say "well good to know that it has powers?" He says "that wasn't you?" I say "no!" He starts to freak out......

I say "calm down bubs is not that serious" he calms down and I say "come here" I sit up and he walks towards me I get up slowly and hug him....

He hugs me back and the doctor comes in he looked familiar...

I say "ash!" Five turns around and sees ash wearing white jacket that doctors wear. I say "your my doctor?!" Five chuckles and ash laugh and says "well I mean I didn't want anyone to know about your secret." I say "what secret?" Ash says "your baby growing quickly why you have holes in your body." I say "oh" Five says "why is that exactly?" Ash says "well y/n never really healed her wounds and she would only wait until her skin covered it and so she still has wounds and the baby grows when ever she gets hurt." Five hmmm's and I lay back in bed..

I ahhh and see blood on the bed...

Ash says "she's in labor!" He presses the emergency button and they tell Five to leave...

They take out a lot of tubes out of place around my body and bring me to the emergency room they drag Five in and put my legs on some stands....

I start to panic Five holds my hand and try's to calm me down....

I start to push....

Blah blah blah a few hours later...

I wake up I felt tired...

I look around and see Five holding me tightly while sleeping...

I smell myself and I smelled like soap...

I look at Five and kiss him, he probably put me in a bath after I gave birth. He start to wake up and looks at me...

I smile and look at my stomach still looked a bit big but was going down slowly...

I hold on to Five and he hugs me we lay there cuddling not saying a word. I look back up at him and kiss his chine he chuckles and kisses my lips softly and starts to make out with me...

I pull back and smile and lay my head on his chest...

He rubs my back and plays with my hair...

After a while I fell asleep while thinking about the baby I didn't even know if it was a girl or a boy....

I say "alright I'm ready to leave!" I get up trying not to show any pain and almost fall Five grabs me before I fall and start to cry because of how much pain and energy I took from getting up...

Five says "aww princess you will be out of here in no time with a new child in your arms...

I smile a bit still in pain Five places me on the bed again and says "ama go get you something to eat, ok?" I nod and wait till he gets back but I eventually fall asleep and forgot....

I feel taping on my shoulder....

I wake up and see Aidan and Ivy I scream...

I hug Aidan and he laughs, he says "I missed you!" I giggle a bit and says "I missed my little man too" he laughs and I let go and so does he...

Then I hear a knock on the door....

I looks and Aidan was confused so was Ivy...

They come in and it was Five, I smile and say "bubs!" He chuckle and walks up to me and kisses me....

I say "when can I go home?" Five says "uh, i don't know we have to check with the doctor?" I nod and I say "can I talk to him?" Five nods and leaves to go find the doctor....

I say "where's my food?" Aidan says "oh we seen dad on the way up so we helped him with the food." I say " GIMMIE MY FOOD!!!"

We eat and talk for a while....

I hate myself...

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