Chapter 15: surprise

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I quickly, and quietly walked away from the situation. I headed towards Elena's house because I didn't want to go home, and I knew if I went anywhere else I would regret it. Anyway, going to Elena's house was always a highlight for me, I loved hanging out with her because she was the closest thing I had to a sister, her and Bonnie.

  When I arrived at her stairway I knocked, and quickly realized that she was still at that party. The door opened anyhow, revealing that Jeremy was home.

Once I saw Jeremy I smiled, "oh Hey". He looked back at me and smiled weakly, "Elena isn't home ". I winded my eyes and nodded,"mhm". I went inside the house, since I was already invited in. Jeremy looked at me,confused but yelled as he went upstairs, "foods in the fridge and tv is there, go ahead and wait for her, I think she'll be back at 8".

I wondered how long it's been since I actually spent time with Jeremy. The little rascal had already grown up right in front of me but I'd never noticed. Hmm, I wondered, I wonder how he's been since I last hung out with him.

I started towards the stairs to go speak with him but I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I quickly ran to see who it was until I saw one of the people I really did not want to see at the moment, because of the awkward conversations we would have. It was Klaus. I opened the door quickly and I saw something I was not expecting to see. It was Stefan,Tyler,Damon,Elena and klaus. My eyes grew to look confused and I slammed the door before anyone could say a word. I ran up to Jeremy's room and told him to be quiet.

[writers note]

Short chapter. Sorry for updating so late! My iPad was broken and I couldn't log onto watt pad on my phone or computer so I just waited it out! Love all my readers nd Tysm for the support! Also THANKYOU for waiting so patiently!

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