•the deserter•

803 31 3

(Y/n) POV

Life has been going right for us. Katara and Sokka met a guy from his tribe and they finally got a feeling of home

We had once again had an encounter with Zuko, but this time, I even managed to get my necklace back. Having it back made me feel better

And now, we were once again continuing our journey to the Northern Water Tribe

We were walking through a forest searching for a village or a place to get supplies

"This should give us a good idea of what's around here", said Katara as she pointed at board full of flyers

"See if you can find a menu, I'm starving", Sokka said

Aang rushed to the front and pointed at one of the flyers

"I bet we'll find something to eat here!", He smiled

"The Fire Days Festival", I read the flyer,"fire Nation cultural exhibits... jugglers, benders, magicians'..."

"This'd be a great place for me to study some real firebenders!", Aang said

"You're right, we could both learn how to firebend properly", I agreed with him, "I still just know the same three tricks"

"You might wanna rethink that", Sokka was looking at the other side of the board, "Look at this"

Aang and I looked at the flyers. The fire nation was searching for both Aang and I

"Hey, a poster of me!", Aang said excited

"A wanted poster. This is bad", Sokka frowned

As they continued to talk, I noticed the poster below mine. It was a poster of the 'Blue spirit' who I knew was Zuko. I grabbed the flyer and looked at it for a while

"I think we better keep moving", Katara suggested, "you can still learn some tricks from (Y/n)"

"Katara, I'm not a proper master for Aang. Most of my attacks only work in stress situations and when I'm angry", I explained, "that's not the right way of firebending"

"Seems enough for me", Sokka shrugged

"I have to learn firebending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch a real master up close", Aang said

"I guess we could check it out", Katara said unsure

"What!? You want to walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired up with all their, you know, fire?", Sokka was freaking out

"We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave", Katara said, her and Aang getting on Appa's back

"Sounds like a solid plan", I shrugged, walking over to Appa

"Yeah, because we always leave before we get into trouble", Sokka sighed, also getting on Appa

We then flew closer to the city, finding a place to leave Appa and Momo at

"You guys stay out of sight here while we go to the festival", Aang told appa and Momo

They both tried to hide behind a small bush, the bush actually covering Momo right, but not even hiding Appa

"Ready disguises!", Aang now said

Katara, Sokka and I pulled down the hoods of our cloaks over our heads

Then, Aang tried to do the same with his clothes, but it didn't quite work

"It's like you're a whole different person", Sokka said sarcastic

•Opposites attract each other• (Zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now