•the warriors of Kyoshi•

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(Y/n) POV

We've been riding on Appa for a while, not knowing where Aang was bringing us to

"You have no idea where you're going, do you?", Sokka asked as he looked at the map

"Well, I know it's near water...", Aang smiled innocent

We all looked down, seeing us flying over an endless stretch of water

"I guess we're getting close then", I sighed

I was lying down, relaxing when I saw Aang trying to impress Katara, but she was to concentrated in sewing Sokka's pants

'I swear if these two don't end up together'

"Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing", Sokka said

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?", Katara gave him an angry look

"Simple: girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things"

"Say that again, I dare you", I said as I created a flame

"I-i actually only meant Katara y'know, you can sure defend yourself", he chuckled nervous

"All done with your pants! And look what a great job I did!", Katara gave Sokka his pants back, even though he still had a big hole

"Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these!", Sokka apologized, "Katara, PLEASE!"

"Don't worry, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need any pants!", Aang said

"Okey but seriously, where are we going", I looked at Aang, concerned


A few hours later we made a stop at a lake

"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"

"He's right", Katara nodded, "at this rate we won't get to the North Pole until spring"

"But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?", Appa didn't do anything, "I said, aren't you boy?"

Now Appa yawns, but he's obviously not tired

"Oh, yeah, he seems really tired", I rolled my eyes

"Still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster", Sokka shrugged

Aang now gasped surprised and pointed at the water, "LOOK!"

A giant koi fish jumped out of the water

"That's why we're here", Aang stripes down to his underwear, "elephant koi. And I'm going to ride it. Katara, you've gotta watch me!"

He then dived in the water, shouting "COLD!"

We three looked at each other. Sokka whispered "he's crazy", as I nodded

"Well, I'm going to go inspect this place", I said, "just to be sure they aren't any enemies here"

I left them with Aang and started walking through the snowy forest. The place was really quiet, but something made me feel uncomfortable, as if someone was watching me

'I should probably get back before-'

Suddenly, a group of woman in a strange armour came out of nowhere and started to run at me

I quickly made a fire circle around me to prevent them from coming. They all looked at me, surprised and scared

'hm, so that's how people see me...'

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