•the fortune-teller•

951 40 20

(Y/n) POV

We were settled down next to a big lake, where I tried teaching Aang and Katara some waterbending moves

While we practiced, Sokka was trying to catch a fish

"C'mon Sokka, now's your chance to catch that fish", Sokka murmured to himself

He got up, glaring at the water

"What are you trying to do?", I asked confused

"That fish, he is taunting me", Sokka glared at the water, when the fish came back to the surface for a second, "Oh, you are so gonna be dinner!"

Sokka ran back to the tent and grabbed his fishing pole. He then ran back to the lake edge and casted the pole a few times without effect

"Hey! Where's the fishing line?"

"Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka", Aang laughed softly, holding up a necklace

"Aahh, it's all tangled!"

"Not tangled - woven", Aang said, getting up and coming closer to Katara, "I made you a necklace, Katara"

He looked away, blushing, as he gave it to her

"Thanks, Aang. I love it!", Katara smiled at him

"Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business", Sokka rolled his eyes

"I don't see why I can't do both", Aang chuckled

"Aang, the jewelry making Avatar", I thought about it for a second, "ok, nope, that sounds horrible"

Aang now sat down next to me

"Uhm, (Y/n)?", he started, "I also made you one"

This necklace was decorated with red and blue

"I'm sorry you lost your necklace...",Aang said

I grabbed the necklace and smiled,"thanks Aang, that means a lot"

While the two of us were talking, Katara was laughing at Sokka, who was trying to catch that fish with his boomerang

Aang looked at them, and then turned back to me

"Also, we never got to talk about what happened that day", he whispered, now serious, "y'know, the whole Zhao thing"

"Oh...yeah I'm still processing it", I nodded, "I really don't know why Zuko saved us"

"Actually... I was more worried about you. When I entered your cell back then, you were crying", Aang said worried,"was it something Zhao said?"

"Oh...that", I sighed, remembering all that had happened, "It's fine Aang, Zhao just talked about some stuff... But I'm okay now"

'you've grown so much, (Y/n)', Kion's voice repeated itself in my head over and over

"You sure?", Aang still looked worried

"Yes, I'm fine now", I fake smiled, "thanks for the necklace, it's beautiful"

"Of course!", Aang now smiled, "if you need anything, just tell me, alright? You can count with me!"

"I'll keep that in mind", I chuckled lightly

"So, how do I look?", we heard Katara ask

Both Aang and I looked at her. Katara was modeling the necklace Aang had given her

•Opposites attract each other• (Zuko x reader)Where stories live. Discover now