Chapter 3: The Citadel

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2 Hours Later

"Admiral Hackett." You salute, standing at the ready in front of the hologram.

"Lieutenant." Hackett salutes you back. "At ease (L/N)."

"You wanted to speak to me Admiral."

"I apologize for the delay of our meeting. I was reading over the mission report that was taken from you."

"It is no issue Admiral."

"Seems like the Omaha now has 41 extra passengers and they are now on their way to the Citadel instead of being Cerberus lab rats."

"I couldn't save them all Admiral...there could have been more."

"Son what you did today was an act that goes above and beyond what is expected of you, even for a special operations soldier. The data you recovered today will be valuable, the destruction of the base today will be valuable, but the lives of those colonists are worth more than all of that and more combined. You did a damn fine job today."

"I was just doing my job sir."

"You did more than that son. You ran forward when others fled and risked your life to save others and for this reason there will be a ceremony held at the Citadel."

"Don't you think this is a bit much admiral?" You sigh.

"This is not my doing Lieutenant. Ambassador Udina has put something together already and wants to use this as a way to show that humans are moving up in the galaxy since there were turians among those that you saved."

"Udina is using my as a political puppet in a sense? It has probably barely been over an hour since he found out about this."

"Though he will never admit it, it appears that his is part of his goal." You let out a deep sigh and rub your head. "You know I am also not much for the theatrics that go along with politics, but there is another reason that you need to be at the Citadel, one more important than this little ceremony Udina is putting on."

"What is the reason sir?"

"They will get into contact with you once you are there, but expect a meeting to be arranged once the ceremony is over."

"Is that all you can tell me sir?"

"If I say anything more it will leave you with only more questions than answers. It would be best to wait on this one son."

"Understood sir."

"That is all for now. I will be in contact with you at a later time. Hackett out." The hologram fades off and you are left with your thoughts.

"Who could want to meet with me?" You grumble to yourself. "Probably some reporter that is going to try to make me look bad."

"We got sometime before we reach the Citadel Lieutenant. Is there anything that I can get you?" You turn and are met with the private from earlier.

"Just some place to rest until we get there...and some food...actually a good deal of food please."

"We have a lounge that you would be able to rest in if you would like, or you can hang around in the mess hall."

"Where are the colonists at?" You ask.

"They are all still being held in the cargo hold."

"I think I will rest down there until we get to the Citadel. Give them a mildly familiar face to be around."

"Understood sir. Food is being served to them so feel free to grab anything."

"Thank you private." He salutes and turns off. You leave the video com room shortly after, making your way down to the cargo bay. You grab a ration tray from a table and slump down on the floor against a crate, a little bit away from the colonists.

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