Chapter 14: Noveria Part 4

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"That was nasty." Garrus says as he wipes rachni guts off of his arm.

"Don't let em get that close and you won't have that issue." You reply with a chuckle as the three of you wait in an elevator.

"You're the one that is suppose to keep them away from me. I am the sniper." He replies as Tali laughs at you both.

"I imagine the Matriarch will be waiting for us." She mentions, switching the conversation. "It is not going to be an easy fight."

"An asari of her ranking is probably going to be throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at us." You say, earning a look of confusion from the other two. " is a human saying."

"Why would she throw a sink at us?" Garrus asks.

"Alright let's get going." You sigh as you lead them down the hallway.

The doors ahead of you slide open and the three of you enter the next room.

"Hey...hey what the hell!" You yell as the three of you are lifted up, being put into stasis.

"Can't...move...she's got us." Garrus exhausts.

"The three of you have finally arrived." She says as she stands across the room from you all.

"Why are you doing this?" Tali yells. "Why are you helping Saren?"

"I do not expect any of you to understand." She says. "Saren will do more to bring peace than the three of you could ever imagine doing. And if you choose to halt his plan" Doors fly open, and two Asari commandos enter the area "then I will have to dispose of you." The three of you drop from the stasis and dive behind cover as the commandos begin their assault.

"Plan?" Garrus yells. You peek over your cover and see the matriarch surrounded by a protective bubble as the two commandos shoot from across the room.

"Benezia is surrounded by  biotic shield. Her commandos are sitting at a safe distance just waiting for us to make a move."

"So...what do we do?" Tali asks. You draw your shotgun and peek over the top again.

"We close the distance." You reply. "Garrus keep their heads down with the sniper and Tali and I rush them. Questions?" They both nod in agreement. "Let's go then." You send a shockwave towards the matriarch to distract her before you and Tali take off towards the two Asari commandos.

"Garrus now!" The turian sniper starts to take shots above where the heads of the attackers are located as you and Tali slide forward around the corner. Two blasts simultaneously fill the air, dropping both of the troopers.

"More incoming!" Garrus calls out as you hear doors slide open close to you.

"Geth sniper!" Tali dives towards you and takes your down as a sniper shot whizzes past where you were standing.

"Garrus how are you holding up?" You ask over the comms as Tali and you return fire.

"Not closing in on my yet. Just keep them by you and I will be alright." He responds. A well placed pistol shot drops one of the commandos as Garrus counter snipes the geth marksmen.

"One commando and three more geth troopers left." Tali says before she lets out a shotgun blast. "Two geth troopers left." You duck low around a corner and charge forward towards the duo of geth troopers. Once close, you extend both of your arms and connect your fists with both of their torsos which sends them flying back into the wall where they crumple. You stumble forward slightly as a shotgun blast connects with your back. Another shot rings out and you turn to see the asari stumble slightly. You slam forward and send her staggering backwards where Garrus lets out a well placed shot to drop her. More doors fly open, more geth run in.

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