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hai guys :)

"this is it." -anon

"if i had a cigarette for every time you made my heart skip a beat, i'd be suffocating in ashes." -a.h.

"it's 2:27 in the morning and i should be sleeping but my brain keeps replaying the words you said to me in my head." -a.h.

"i could fold a thousand cranes but that still wouldn't be as good as folding you in my arms." -a.h.

"these times are changing and time is going by so fast that i cant even catch a breath." -a.h.

"my chest aches and so does my heart but for some reason i can still breathe when im with you." -a.h.

"nights like this when my brain is rushing over a million thoughts i wish i could still feel the wind rushing through my fingers like it did when i drove far away from this place." -a.h.

"i miss what i used to call home and I miss the life i had before things got really complicated but more importantly, i really fucking miss the person i was before i turned into this person i cant even recognize." -a.h.

"see, darling, we're both broken souls but our jagged edges still fit together." -a.h.

"my throat is dry and my hands are cold and ive never hated winter but they were right when they said it was the loneliest of all seasons." -a.h.

none of these are mine btw

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