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Comment on quotes that relate to you :)

"I worry (a lot)
when I think (of other girls)
about how they (shine)
sparkle and radiance beauty

(and) nothing hurts worse than thinking about
not being with (you) my love, my heart
because I know you (deserve the) best,
you are my (sun), moon and stars -m.k."

"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations -anon"

"When I'm on the floor with a blade in one hand and my phone in the other When I call you and it goes strait to your voicemail Where did all your promises go? I promised to live for you Are we going to let that one go too? -anon"

"But we joke and laugh
otherwise we would start screaming -anon"

"When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you. Let it destroy you. Or you can let it strengthen you. -anon"

"a suicide note:

If you haven't noticed
the scars on my hips
or the fake smile on my lips
or the forced laugh that I've adopted
or the way I don't care
about the things I used to love,
then don't you dare
stand at my grave and cry

how can you cry for someone you don't even know? -anon"

"Hey there, little fighter
it will turn out a little brighter
Trust me, believe in your heart
Let it guide you, it will be your chart -kaida"

"In twenty years,
I don't want to be just another name
In twenty years from now
I still want to be in your life
I'm twenty years from now
I want someone to stop you on the street
Ask you how you're doing
And bring up my name
In twenty years from now
I don't want your answer to be
"i haven't seen her in ages"
In twenty years from now
I hope you say
"She's waiting for me at home" -anon"

"I just want someone who won't get annoyed when I text them six times or in all caps. Someone I can go on long drives with and sing along to the radio with. Someone I can't eat pizza with at 2am and kiss at 6pm. Someone who chooses me everyday and never thinks twice about it. -anon"

"Sometimes you tell someone to never call you again and then the phone rings and you hope it's them - - it's the most twisted logic of all time -j.m."

None of these are mine :)

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