Twenty Seven

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"if you see beauty in something, don't wait for others to agree." - sherihan gamal

"he's not always going to be there to protect you, my love, and you have to start learning how to leave without him." -anon

"you still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want." s.e. hinton

"she ached for sleep the way she used to ache for him." -anon

"is my disorder even real? is my identity even real? am i even real?" -anon

"you know who's going to give you everything? yourself." - diane von furstenberg

"i hope you find someone who doesn't make you sad at night and someone who reminds you how much they love you everyday and who laughs at your jokes and wants to listen to your music and who genuinely wants to be with you and doesn't make you second guess their love for you. i really hope you find that. because you deserve that." -anon

"comparison is an act of violence against the self." - iyanla vanzant

"i'd love to hold you close, tonight and always." - zayn malik

"people are temporary." -anon

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