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so close to twenty !!

"there are poems inside of you that paper can't handle." -anon

"be soft. do not let the world make you hard. do not let the pain make you hate. do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness." -kurt vonnegut

"when i first met you ; you were nothing more than another face but 6 months later and you're the only face i could ever find in a crowded place." -anon

"since birth, i have been defined by numbers: inches, feet, pounds, grades, percentages. does it ever stop?" -anon

"you're going to be sad. you're going to want to scream and punch things. do it. let out every ounce of anger you have. sit on the floor and cry until you feel numb. listen to songs that make your heart sink to your feet. write angry letters to all the people who have broken you, left you, ignored you or hurt you. throw your hairbrush at the wall. do it twelve times. do it until you feel like you can breathe again.
you're going to be sad. you're going to want to hurt yourself. don't you dare do it. sit on the floor and watch cartoons like you did when you were little. listen to songs that make you want to dance around your bedroom in your underwear at 3 am.
make paper airplanes out of those angry letters and watch them soar into the fireplace.
brush all the knots out of your hair and say "i am worth it." into the mirror.
say it twelve times.
say it until you feel like you can breathe again.
you're going to be sad. you're going to get through it." -anon

"baby im no poet but for you i'd burn out all the stars to write you a novel." -n.a.

"stay close to anything that makes you glad you're alive." -anon

"on our wedding day,
when i tell you "i do,"
it's because i do.
it's because you understand
how ten-thousand dollar apologizes
still keep fathers worthless,
it's because my ribcage expands
every time i think of you,
it's for all the things
you see in me
and pretend
not to notice." -rachel mckibbens ; your airplanes

"it's hard not to feel empty when the same eyes that looked at you like the entire universe now look right through you." -l.f.

"you make me feel alive
yet you try to take away
the silver of life that
remains inside of me." -n.a.

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