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The word 'eight' kinda weirds me out; is that weird?

Comment on a quote that relates to you :)

"She: is laying in bed with the door locked. The curtains are drawn and the lights off. 'The Notebook' is in the DVD player. An empty tub of ice cream is on the floor next to dozens of crumpled tissues. She's got her music blasting, so no one can hear her sobs. Her fingertips are black form wiping away mascara-stained tears. She's replaying their last conversation, thinking I'll never get him back.

He: is sitting on the edge of his bed with the door locked. The curtains are drawn and the lights off. 'Call of Duty' is in the Xbox. The controller is on the floor next to the spot where he nearly punched the wall in his own frustration. He's got the music blasting so loud, so no one can hear his cries. His hair's a mess from running his hand through it. And he's replaying their last conversation, thinking she'll never take me back -anon"

"When; a girl is in love, you can see it in her smile.

When; a guy is in love, you can see it in his eyes. -anon"

"Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it.

Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it.

Your size isn't a book, don't judge it.

Your life isn't a film, don't end it.

You are beautiful -anon"

"I want to be the girl he smiles at and turns to his friends and says,'that's her.' -anon"

"Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt, and being real gets you hated. -anon"

"I bet it's never, ever occurred to you that I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye -t.s."

"Sometimes saying sorry can't do much once the pain has gone really deep -anon"

"It hurts, but it's ok..I'm used to it. -anon"

"If a girl admits that she really likes you. Know that it took her every ounce of courage she has...

Don't take that for granted -anon"

Hey! If you haven't noticed, there is some song lyrics in the quote chapters.

I've had two so far.

Song writing does count as poetry so, I will be including song lyrics that are very poetic or meaningful.

The first quote is pretty well known but, it's one of my favorites.

The second quote I think is kinda not true. Girls, and well anyone can be very good at faking smiles but, when you're in love I guess they're smile could look more genuine.


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