Twenty Four

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ari is so cute like aw bby

"i find pieces of you in every song i listen to." -anon

"i asked you if you still loved me and you hesitated. that's the moment i knew i lost you forever." -anon

"they told me not to get a tattoo because they're permanent but the thing is life is temporary and for once i want something that is going to last." -anon

"isn't funny how
"just friends"
quickly turned into
"just strangers."? " -k.a.t.

"i know im not your only one but at least i am one / he wasnt my everything until we were nothing." -a.g.

"they told me to just stop thinking of you but i never thought it was so hard." -anon

"i think i'lll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning skies." -anon

"in life we do things. some we wish we had never done. some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads. but they all make us who we are, and in the end they shape every detail about us. if we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are. so just live. make mistakes. have wonderful memories. but never ever second guess who you are, where you have been. and most importantly where it is you're going." -anon

"your hugs are my favorite." -anon

"little late night reminders:
•we've all done unforgivable things.
•we've all had nights where it was hard to breathe.
•we've all wanted to smash mirrors and punch walls.
•we've all made someone cry.
•we've all broken someone's heart.
•we've all let somebody down.
•we've all given a wrong answer.
•we've all chocked on an 'i love you'." -n.g.

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