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Comment if a quote relates to you :)

"The fact that it was all lies and that you probably never even cared about me kinda hurts my heart a bit -anon"

"Shy people usually end up being some of the coolest people you know after you start talking to them -anon"

"I'm a lot cooler on the internet -anon"

"1:46 a.m.

when someone suicidal starts to fall in love

they start feeling whole

like they've got a purpose

a reason to be here

a reason to try

but what happens when the person

who saved them, leaves

they take away the hope and beauty

ripping out the stitches

they used to put their partner together

and the broken soul is left

worse than ever before

3:18 a.m. -anon"

"Kiss me slowly -anon"

"She does say "I love you' like a normal person. Instead, she'll laugh, shake her head, give you a little smile, and say, "you're an idiot." If she tells you you're an idiot, you're a lucky man. -anon"

"Hands must be the lonelier of things,

always looking for somewhere to be,

always looking for something to hold. -m.l."

"Here's to the kids

That go to bed

Every night

With tears

In their eyes

And death

In their hearts -c.k."

" "Show me your scars." he said.

"But...why?" she asked quizzically.

"I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there." he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek. -anon"

"Fear is a friend

who's misunderstood -anon"

None of these are mine (:

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