Twenty One

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idek what vine the "twenty one" thing is from tbh

"why do i still care about you? seriously i don't get it, i should deserve someone better than a stupid boy with a pretty face and a cold heart, im probably stupid because even knowing all this shit whenever im near you i barely remember how to breathe and the words get trapped and i get lost in your beauty and blinded by the light on your eyes and ; holy fuck, i fell for you, didn't i?" -anon

"first kisses aren't like they are in movies and books you don't feel a spark if the person is right you feel comfortable. you feel at home. and god i felt at home with you." -anon

"but yesterday i was crying my eyes out
and today i can't stop smiling
life is funny that way
one day death seems like the only option
and the next life seems like the greatest thing
you just gotta hang in there
cause you're gonna have days where you only cry
and days that you rather be dead
but every once in awhile
they'll be days when all you do is smile
your laugh will be so rhythmic
and the thought of living excites you
believe me when i say you will find happiness
believe me when i say
life goes on and up and downs are normal
you just gotta keep pushing
because there is so much more to see." -m.l.

eh it's shorter but they're long & i have algebra hw

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