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"She appeared when it was all dark

and she saved me

no matter what happens

or how far we are

she's my best friend

and I love her -anon"

"You stabbed me a hundred times

And then you acted like you

Were the one who was bleeding

And the worst part was that

Everyone was helping you while

I was bleeding to death -anon"

"I can be in the best mood ever and randomly get sad, I just feel worthless, and broken. I will put on a fake smile, but feel like I'm dying inside. I don't know why, it just happens, and it sucks. -sunliitsadness"

"You are such a perfect arrangement of atoms -anon"

"I'm such an asshole but I'm also a very kid-hearted person who likes making people happy and if I love you I will love you with all my heart and all my soul. But, then, I'm also still an asshole. -baiolicious"

"But lately, what I've been crying about most is myself

The person I used to be and lost and the person in the present with no clue about her future -anon"

"Here we have lilac dusted lips and fingernails

preserved skin

splashed paint

it's late

I smell coffee

burning, burnt, poured

down dirty sinks with hot tears

I throw dye around

and dance away from falling purples- h.r.

"I wonder if you ever just stop and think "Man, I miss her." -anon"

"I'm sorry I mistook all out laughs, long nights, sweet texts and jokes as you caring. I'll think twice before I waste my time again. -anon"

"From one stranger

to another

I am so proud

of you for

still being alive- anon"

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