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"Smart girls are the over thinkers, the insecure ones, the different ones. They know what the real world is like. They analyze every little thing in life. Why? To avoid getting hurt. To find happiness. They stay up at night trying to think about every possible situation to get through all the problems. They think too much. They trust less people. Their insecurity proves their respect towards themselves. Of course they try to live away from a drama-filled life. Smart girls know their worth, now that's the ones worth keeping by your side." -anon

"I never believed people

When they said how much it hurts

To have your heart broken


It was me

Lying on my bedroom floor

With mascara running down my face

Gasping for air


So don't you dare say

You have never killed anyone

Because that night

You killed me" -s.b.

"Handle with care:

She's the girl who looks down when you stare at her for a little too long, and turns away if you catch her looking. She's the girl who's hair gets a little knotted, and whose smile isn't always real. She's the girl who cries her self to sleep sometimes and cares a little too much about what you say. But she's the same girl who laughs at all of your jokes---funny or not; the one who will love you with every inch of flesh inside of her. She's the girl who will watch the stars with you at night, and ask how your day was when you come home. She's the kind of girl you'll find asleep with a book in her hand at 3 AM, or the kind of girl who leaves your sweatshirts smelling sweeter than before.

She's the kind of girl who will give you her heart; so please handle with care." -Julie Martinez

"I love you

And I can't believe I used to say

That true love doesn't exist

Now I finally know

That I was wrong

And now I can clearly see

Who you really are

I'm sorry it took me so long to see

I just thought that you should know that

(now read from bottom to top)" -o.a.e

"You are the person

I'll never stop looking for

In a crowded place" -anon

"I hope one day

you give your heart

to someone

and they will hold it tight

as if it's their own

I hope one day

you wake up

and have something

or someone to live for

I hope one day

you can go to bed

smiling without a worry

in the world

I hope one day

the battle is over

and you've won

I hope one day

you meet someone

who makes you realize

how beautiful

you truly are" -n.v.

"I hate hearing something that kills me inside and I have to act like I don't care" -anon

"You don't understand. And I can't explain." -anon

"It's not the


that hurts, but the


that follow." -anon

"I'll never tell him

how much I cried that day." -anon

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