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A/N Hey guys, Jinx again, I know right? "This bitch again..." well I just wanted to tell you guys that... Every five days I'll post a chapter for you all!! Yay I'm getting back on schedule! ... Uh... Bye :p

Cartman's P.O.V

' HEY THERE KIDS! It's me Freddy Fazbear! Heuheu! Remember no frowns aloud!'

Wait, what's going on here? Why am I back here? This place, these faces... Why is it so familiar? ... Why is Freddy watching me?

'C'mon honey, we gotta take our seat before someone else does...' mom? I look up and I see her looking down at me, why am I so short? I wasn't this Short before...

'HAPPY BRITHDAY ERIC' was written in bold on a blue banner, it's... My birthday? I look around and I see my friends... Butters, Kenny, Graig, Stan, Clyde, and... IKE! KYLE!

I rushed over to them and sat next to Kyle, Kyle smiled and said 'Happy birthday Cartman.' with a smile and handed me two presents, I guess one of them is from Ike.

I wanted to say something but my mother dropped in. 'Hey Eric, why don't you and your little friends play for a bit, mommy is going to go get something.' we all oblige and rush into the kids room.

This atmosphere... It feels familiar... Am I missing something?

'C'mon Eric!' butters says happily, normally, I would've told him to fuck off, but I followed him to another room, it was filled with older people... Teenagers... Still hate them, Butters dragged me into a both and said we should take a picture together, but as soon as he was about to take the picture I was pulled out by Kyle, while Ike went in with Butters...

Kyle's eyes looked sad and scared... What are you trying to tell me? Kyle then smiled and dragged me to the anamatronics.

'Let's take a picture together!' he says as he takes out his phone, I can see tears are about to form... But... Why?

He snapped the picture and sent it to me, I smiled, then Freddy came by.

'Hey there Eric, would you like to take a picture with the one and only golden Freddy?' when I turned, Kyle was gone... What's going on?

'uh... Sure' I say as I take out an old camera and turn it towards us, I snap the picture and it comes out.

'This would make a great picture!' I happily state, I turn and golden Freddy grabs me, Why? Why me?! Stop!! Stop!!



I find myself in the parts and service room with golden Freddy, as he took off his head... It... It was the janitor!

' Why? Why? What do you want from me?!' I lightly scream, tears start to form, but I hold them back, he didn't answer me, instead, he pulls out his dull knife, which looks like it wouldn't make a clean cut..

But it would through skin...

'D-don't come near me!' I back up to the door, I'm trapped!! C'mon Eric, think think think!!

'You know, you've been here for a long time Eric... You even became my friend... Well... I didn't need friends anyway... But you trusted me, just the thought of being able to kill you was just exciting....' he says as he leans in, I could feel his breath on my skin, chills went up my spine.

'Your skin... So pure... I'm sorry this has to happen to you Eric... I wanted a better knife for you, but the only one I could get was this one... Aww, don' look so sad, at least you got to die by your friends hands right? You even said if you were to die, it would had to be by your friend's hands right? Oh... But you didn't say any friend did you? No no... You said someone you truly care about.. Now what was his name? Oh right, it was Kyle wasn't it? What a wonderful name... You know what? Once you die, he'll be next, what do you say? You two would be together again... AFTER EVERYONE FORGETS ABOUT YOU!! HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA!!!'

No... I won't...

He swings the knife at me, it seemed everything went in slow motion as the knife grew oh so closer. Was this the end? Was I really gonna let him kill me? Then who else?

-Flash back-

'Shut up fat ass'

'Cartman you never give up do you?'

'Hey Cartman? You're not as bad they say you are...'

'HEY WATCH IT!! Jesus dude, you trying to die?'


'... Sorry...'


'NO!!' I yell, some how, I grabbed the knife from his hands... Is my will to live that strong?


'YOU WILL NEVER HURT HIM!!' I yell again as I rip the knife from his hands and stab his ankle. He falls to the ground and that gives me the chance to take the keys and escape.



As I burst out of the room, tears start to fall... I feel them quickly make small rivers on my face.

I escaped with my life... I never been so terrified in my life... I look up, and I see gentle green eyes look at me, it was Kyle, I'm so happy he's here... Without thinking, I cling on to him, crying softly into his shoulder... I don't care if he thinks these are fake, I don't care if people see me... I was so scared in there... I didn't want to die... But it was all thanks to Kyle... I know he wasn't in there, but... Just the thought of him saved my life...



I open my eyes only to see that I'm still here in my bed room... It was just a nightmare... I touch my face to find tears... I really was crying... I'll be damned... I miss Kyle and Ike...


WOAH.... Hey guys, I hoped you liked it, some been wondering how Cartman escaped from golden Freddy.... So there you go, he was taken by him and he managed to take the knife and keys from him, all thanks to the thought of Kyle... See what love can do to you?

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