Chapter 8- The Final Battle

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It was a long run, but I finally made it to Freddy's, I knew Kyle and Ike were alive, I could feel it, how else do you think I know where to find him?

The place is closed for the next couple of months, but that's not gonna stop me! I take out my pliers I had stashed in my jacket, and use them on the lock on the front door.

'C'mon, harder Eric harder! ... Ha! Got it!'
Stan's P.O.V
Sigh, please let them be okay...

'What's wrong Stan?' I look over to Wendy who is sitting next to me.

'I'm just worried about Kyle and Ike...' I rub the back of my head, I can't help but feel as if I should've done something...

'I'm sure they're okay Stan, we know Kyle, he's a smart boy, and I'm pretty sure he protected Ike too...'

'Yeah... But still...'

'C'mon Stan, forget about it... Lets just have a little fun.' Wendy takes my hand and places it on her thigh.

'No Wendy, ugh, I don't want to fuck around today... Wendy, we gotta help!'

'... Alright Stan... But... Who?'

'Cartman took my dad's pliers and left saying "I get it now Stan! I understand! I have to save Ike and Kyle! Before it's too late!!" then left...'

'Hmm...alright! But we need back up.'

'Thank you Wendy.'
'Stan! I found it!'
'Quickly send out the message!'

'Want to save Ike and Kyle? Quickly go to Stan's house, we don't have enough time, Cartman is already there taking care of it himself, but we have to back him up, for Ike and Kyle's sake!"

'Nice job Wendy!'


Suddenly, the door bell rings. I look down out of my window, every kid in south park has showed up! All of the high school showed up!



I look over to Wendy, her face shows confidence, looks like she's gonna lead us... I'm so glad to have her as my girlfriend.
Cartman's P.O.V
Man it's a mess in here... I walk into the kid's room and I hear crying in the "Parts and Services" room, I slowly open the door, and I see a crouched figure.

'I...Ike?' he gasped and ran towards me.

'Eric Eric!! Thank you thank you!!'

' Ike, where's Kyle?' Ike looks up at me, he shakes his head.

'I...I don't know.... Been years since I seen him...' shit...

Me and Ike went around Freddy's until I bumped into a animatronic.

'Where you going Eric? hu hu hu!'

'That voice... You... YOU DID THIS! Get out of that costume!'

'As you wish...' he took off the mask, I couldn't believe me eyes... It was...

'You.. You showed up at my house... And took my mother!! You're Mike Shdmit!'

' that's right Eric, and once your best friend, but when I found out who is more important to you... I took him to get back at you... You escaped... And so did your little friend...' I hide Ike behind me.

'Give Kyle back...' I hissed.

'Oh... You'll have to get to him first! He pulled back Foxy's old curtains and revealed Kyle chained to the wall with cuts and bruises all over his body.

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