Chapter 9- Behind The Screen

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A/N c'mon, you guys know me better than that.
'There, I think that'll do it.'

'Cartman? What are you doing?'

'Err uhh... N-nothing!'

'Wattpad? What is that? Wait... You're writing?'

'Shut up you dumb Jew! God! You're so god Damn nosey!'

'.. Well when it's on MY computer, I have the right to be.'

Damn it, I can't let him see this... W.T.F is a Damn hit, I'm not gonna lose it cause if this ass hole! C'mon Eric, think of an excuse.

'It's for a fucking project alright?! Will you fuck off already?'

'Why do you insist to use my computer when you can use your phone or computer for this?'

'Ugh, I tried! But it has zero percent of auto correct, I can't write in on word, and if I use my phone it'll fuck up some how, but at least it had auto correct!'

'This site doesn't have auto correct?'

'I just said that, now please fuck off--'

"Welcome To Freddy's"? Don't tell me you're into that shit too...'

'A matter of fact... I am you kike! It's a really awesome game, I've played them all and each one I loved, maybe you should get that sand out of your vagina and play it for yourself.'

'I don't have any sand in my vagina!!'

'Oh~ so you're saying you DO have a vagina.'

'God Damn it! I'm done, if you want anything I'll be in the living room.'

Perfect, now I can finish this... Hang on.... Eleven notifications?

"This was really rushed"
"Am I the only one who got the pun"

Wait... Pun? I don't... Oh... Right haha, the "Kyle in chains" pun... Ahh... Great story really... You guys should read it, it's on First one I've read, my friend told me to read it, great girl...

You know, you guys say rushed, and I agree, but who said it was truly over? I may surprise you with something else, maybe all of this was a dream, or just me writing it.... That's an ending I never thought of... Huh... Why didn't I think of that? Well... Looks like I'm not doing that one... Scratch that off the list.... And yes, I do have a list of endings that could happen, that's why I wanted you guys to participate on this... But sadly... Only two did... Well... One... She picked the "Love" ending which is "Together Again" there are SOOOOO many, you have no idea.

I know I'm not the best writer, but that's pretty normal, if you guys participated in this, instead of "letting it happen" you guys could've gotten a special ending, or one of the ones I have planned out... I have... 20 of them...

But I do apologize for the rush, really, me and Jinx just ran out of ideas, people weren't helping, we couldn't do much, but she's been drawing in hopes that it'll help... It didn't, instead she got payment from the teachers for school related drawings... Or things they liked and or requested... But we're in high school, and things get pulled back from the story, and constantly writing it? It gets boring... That's why wait is necessary.

If I wrote everyday, you guys wouldn't read it as much, you'll try to find something else. Kyle helps out on the side, but has no idea what he's doing it for or what it is, he comes up with things... Like when we play games, he thinks of possible endings the game could have and what each one is called... Jinx helps with the title and pictures, not to mention to talk to you guys, she's awesome for doing that, knowing her Shyness.

So... That's me explaining everything... I think... This is Eric Cartman... Saying see you later.

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