Chapter 7- Truth

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I ended up staying at the hospital for two weeks, they feared I might get hurt again, but it seems it was cause of the heat in Stan's room... So it was quite common... The next two days, they finally let me out, they told me to take some precautions when dealing with heat, but I didn't pay attention.

There was only one thing on my mind, it had been for a while, I wasted enough time as it is, I can't waste any more....

'You're still think he's alive? After all of this time?' a deep, rough voice echoes from behind a car, he slowly reveals himself from the vehicle, it was Kenny.


'Look... Cartman, why don't you be honest to yourself, I know what you see at night in your dreams, I know what you feel...' he places his hand on my left shoulder.

'Cartman, you know you can't lie to me, deep down... You truly care about Kyle and Ike, but you fear that they may be dead, but your heart is telling you other wise...' I swat Kenny's hand away.

'Shut up poor boy! I don't care! I never did! I'm glad he's gone!! I-I can do whatever I want now that he's dead! He... He would say the same!'

Kenny shook his head. 'Kyle... He needs you more than ever, I know they're still alive in there, Ike is scared... And Kyle is possibly stuck... Cartman, you can't keep lying to yourself.... Just--'

'DON'T PITY ME! I don't need anyone! And I don't need you.'
Kenny stayed silent, he appeared unfazed by my statement, he sighed.

'Your actions affect their lives, you have the power to save them, but if you lie to yourself at home and say you don't care, they will die! Cartman, when I died, you knew I couldn't die, you knew me more than anyone, but when you saw my limp body, you could tell I was still alive... But when it was Kyle, you cried, you did everything to save his life, you saved his life so many times, and he saved you... He saved you on Easter Cartman...'

'Easter? But... I...'

'I saw him do it when I was looking for my sister that night, I watched the whole thing, he couldn't sleep knowing you were in danger...'

I can't believe it...

'If that's true... Then why didn't he tell me?'

'Same reason why you didn't tell Kyle you saved him and his family from the smug storm.'

'How do you...'

'Wasn't butters... It was your memory...'

With that, Kenny left, Kyle... Saved my life?

'The town been looking for the two missing boys, but none have shown any signs of where they could be... Cops are about to call off the search if they don't find them in the next few days.'
I sigh as I slump back on the couch, I grab the blue blanket and mint ice cream... This blanket... I don't remember where it came from, but it makes me feel safe... I sniff the blanket.

'Wait, this sent... It's...'
'Say you were lying and there is no Jewpacabra.'

'Okay okay, I'm lying and there is no such thing as a Jewpacabra! Now please Kyle, get me out of here before Jewpacabra gets me!'
'God Damn it fat ass, I can't sleep cause of you...'
'I won't tell him about this, I'll just let his imagination think what happened... Eh... I'll forget about the blanket, he can keep it.'
K-Kyle... Tears start to form.

'Why didn't I see it sooner? Oh my god... I... I do care! I care for both of them!'

'If you stay at home saying you don't care, they'll die!'

' No... I don't care about Kyle... I care about Ike, but... Kyle? No... I... I love him! Ha! Oh my god I feel great! I love him! I... I do! I'M COMING KYLE!'
HEY guys Jinx here, how was that for chapter 7? Well... Love you guys!

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