Chapter 6- Time

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A/N Hey guys, Jinx, and sorry for the delay... I left a huge gap in the time zone of all of this, but that's a good thing, cause now we can go on with this simply, instead of it going on day by day every 365 days a year; anyway... Let me quickly fill you guys up in case you forgotten... Kyle is missing, Eric got worried, he tried to find him, he fought with his mother, she left with another man, liane still tries to help Eric and he appreciates that, some chick showed up, and now we're here... I hoped that jogged your memories... Now... Let's get to it... Oh! And before I forget... Please leave your suggestions down in the comments please, you never know... You could save a life... Keep that in mind will yeah? I think you may get the hint.

Weeks went by and I still haven't got a Damn idea on how I can find both Ike and Kyle along with my own could be killer... But... What about that girl who came up that day... The brunette... Nah, she couldn't be involved in this... But what if she is?

I've became sceptical of others, every where I went, I felt they were all hiding something... But why didn't I go to find Kyle and Ike? Why wait? It's simple... If I went then, I would be a target it yet again by that man... My conscious is screaming at me "YOU IDIOT! YOU KNOW WHERE HE IS! WHY WAIT A FUCKING YEAR TO FIND HIM?! YOU PROBABLY KILLED HIM!"

' Damn it brain, why don't you shut up for once...'


I look up to find Stan Marsh looking puzzled at me, did I say that out loud?



As I sip my hot chocolate, the hippie spoke. ' You're still looking for him? I thought you didn't care...' My hand twitched.

'Look Marsh, me and Kyle may not get along as well as you two do, but he's...' I stopped in mid-sentence, what is Kyle to me? We fight a lot, we hardly even make sense half the time, and we always cause one another pain, but both of which, we like to see one another's pain... But... We also saved one another countless of times... I saved him from dying in the smug and from man bear pig, and from the time we were both stuck inside the oculous rift... Which was all connected to this hippie here...

So is all of that suppose to mean something? Or... Am I just that clueless?

'Cartman? Caaaartmaaaan....'

'Huh?' I lost my train of thought, I completely forgotten I was in a retarded ass interview with this pot smoker... I should honestly be more observant of my own situations if I want Kyle and Ike to be safe.

'You were saying what Kyle is to you...' shit... I still have no idea... Ah... Why my heart beating so fast all of sudden? I began to sweat, my heart beated faster and faster, my body started to shake and my face turned pale, what's going on?!

'Woah! Cartman you okay?!' Stan reached his arms out towards me, then I blacked out... What was all of that? And.... What's happening to me?! I can't see, I can't move, and I can't feel a damn thing...

After what felt like hours, I woke up in a white room, there were curtains around me, but opened, I could see a tv ahead of me... Am I in a hospital?

' YOU'RE AWAKE!' I turn over to find Wendy standing at the entrance to my room holding a sliver trey in her hands. She quickly sat the tery on the bed side counter and ran out of the room... Why am I here?



'Hey Cartman' Stan said as he sat on the side of my bed. 'How you feeling?'

'Like a flower... What happened?'

Stan rubs the back of his head and sighs.

'Well... Before I say anything... Can I ask you a few questions?'

' what is this? Another damn interview? Fine, let's get this over with...' Stan sighs.

'Okay... Was your heart beating fast?'

'... Yeah.. It was... I'm not sure why... But it was...'

'Were you sweating?'

'Oh my god yes...'

' were you feeling dizzy?'

'Dizzy? No, I just blacked out! I didn't know WHAT was going on... God damn it I don't have time for this...'

'You just... Blacked out?'

'Yes! Are you deaf?! I think all that pot smoking made you lose some hearing!'

'... It almost sounds like a panic attack... But you blacked out... You're not diabetic are you?'

' no are you stupid?'

'Hmm... Have you been feeling depressed?'

'What are you a nurse? C'mon man I don't--'

'No, I'm helping the nurse as of now, so you must tell me, and Wendy is busy with other patients...'


'So answer the question.'

'Okay okay, yesssh... Yes I have, for a long time I had... After finding out my friend wanted to kill me... And my mother leaving me for some ass hole I been depressed for years Stan!'

Stan stays silent, servers him right... I don't care what happens to me any more, all I care about now is for their safety....

I sigh as I pull my covers to me face. 'Can I pretend that airplanes are shooting stars? Cause I really need a wish right now...'
OMG FINALLY DONE!!! Phew... This one you forever! Okay guys, I'll write when I have an idea... But before I continue... I need to tell you something... YOU can change the story's end, you never know, you could save someone's life... Just by suggesting one small thing... Like the word "Love" can change so many things... You'll see if you try.

-jinx was late again

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