Chapter 10- Happy Crossover/Easter

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A/N I know... I'm late.... Sorry...

It's been a couple of days since that nightmare happened... But... Who was it that saved me?

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, I get up from the kitchen chair and go over to answer the door.

As I rest my hand on the knob, I felt a bit anxious, what if it's that man who captured me again and found my house... I shook my head and opened the door.

To my surprise it was Cartman, wearing his Easter bunny suit and a basket, but what is he doing here of all places?

'Hey Kahl, happy pass over.'
He reaches into his basket and pulls out a black composition book, in white it says "happy cross over Kahl, I know how much you like to draw so I got you this..."

I look up at Cartman as I take the book and hold it close to my chest.

He smiles and walks away, before he reached the side walk, I shouted to him.

'Wait! Uh... You can come inside if you want... I haven't really spoken to... Anyone for a long time actually...' Cartman turned, he smiled and came into the house as I closed the door behind him.

'Well Kahl... How... How are you feeling?'

'I've been better...'
Cartman takes a few minutes before replying.

'So... How did you escape?'


'It's not like everyday people escape from a cold blooded killer...'

He's right...

'I... I don't know... If I did, I would've told the news team...'

Cartman's P.O.V

I wanted to tell Kyle, but I couldn't bring myself to do it... He never escaped, he's still inside that building, mentally... I can tell he thinks about it everyday, and by far, I'm the only person he talked to...

'Here' I handed him an egg, you know, one of those chocolate eggs...

'Cartman... I'm diabetic, I can't--'

'I know, it's sugar free... I made it myself.'

He looks up at me, then the egg, he has no choice but to trust me.. He takes the egg and sucks on it a little bit.

' You really did make this...'

'Only cause you're diabetic! Do you honestly think I found poison someone I love to mess wi--' out of the blue... Kyle hugged me, he never done this out of appreciation...

'Thanks...' I hug him back, it's the only logical thing to do right?

'You're welcome... My little monster.'
Sorry that was short guys!! But i hope you enjoyed!! Bye~

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