One: Secrets

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Here's the book! Sorry for putting my Delena books on another account!

Here's the first chapter, and please get me a lot of reads!

Damon Salvatore's life has always been dark. He was the bad boy of Mystic Falls, but when he lost his mom, he just fell apart.
The only person there for him was Elena Gilbert, his best friend. One night changed everything when Damon and Stefan came home.

Their Father, Giuseppe, started beating Stefan and Damon, but who beats Damon every day, not Stefan, and it changed his life forever.

Ever since Giuseppe started beating Damon, Damon drifted away from everyone and wished he could tell someone.
Still, he can't because Giuseppe would hurt everyone he cares about, that's why he's drifting away from Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Rebekah, and Klaus, even Bonnie.

Damon thinks it's the best way to keep it a secret because Damon thinks he's damaged and that he will stay that way. That's how much Giuseppe has abused him, and he doesn't care that he does it.

Stefan never gets abused anymore and hopes to tell someone about being beaten.

Damon knows it's a bad idea if he does tell anyone. Stefan knows Damon is probably right about it because if he does, it will turn deadly when their father is in their life.

Elena has always cared about Damon because they have been best friends for seventeen years. They would always joke around with each other, tell each other everything, and be there for each other, and everyone knows, but Damon and Elena realize they are in love with each other.

Ever since Damon has been drifting away from Elena, he's been cold toward her, getting into fights and doing drugs. Elena will do anything for him, even to find the truth, because nothing will stop her when it comes to Damon.

                       September 20, 2015

Damon just woke up. He steps out of bed and into the shower;  The water starts spraying on his skin, and it burns the scars on his body,
and he winces because it hurts badly.

The Scars are from Damon cutting himself; because he can't take the pain. He's never done anything wrong to deserve this. He's never told anyone about it and plans to keep it that way.

Five minutes later, Damon gets out of the shower and walks into his bedroom.

He goes into his dresser and puts on his black boxers and black jeans, then into his closet, picks out a black V-neck and puts it on, then his leather jacket and his shoes.

He grabs his bag and phone and hopes not to see Giuseppe because he doesn't want to get physically hurt, but he knows he already is, and what could make it worse is nothing.

Damon comes downstairs and sees Giuseppe, and his throat goes dry, and that happens every time he sees him.
Damon enters the kitchen, and Giuseppe smirks, every time he finds he is going to hurt Damon, he is drunk.

Giuseppe stands up, walks right by Damon, and punches him in the face, "Thanks for being a disappointment." Then he walks out of the room;

Damon feels like ending his life half of the time because no one cares about him; maybe today will be that day. Damon thinks and gets in his car, and goes to school.

When he gets to school, he sees Elena and sighs because he misses her.
Damon wishes he could do something about it, but he knows he can't, and she won't miss him.

He walks right past her without a care in the world. When Damon gets to his locker, he opens it and sees a picture of Elena and him, and he sighs and then closes his locker.
Damon comes face to face with Elena, and he knows she wants an answer; maybe it is time.

He has been being abused for four years now. Damon looks at her and sighs; we should talk." He says, and she nods, agreeing with him.

I need a lot, thank you!

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