Finding Out Who and What I Am

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This is really strange for me, so please excuse my awkwardness.  Not many actually read this anyways.  THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DOES!!!

So, for a really long time I have had a huge problem identifying myself in many ways.  That includes gender.  For a really long time, I was so confused about myself.  There were times where I wanted to be a male more than anything else in the world.  There were also times where I was fine with who I was.  There were even a few times where I was just done with being something and just pretended I had no genitalia at all.  Of course, this is very confusing for a young AFAB (Assigned Female at Birth) to comprehend.  Society tell us that we have to accept what we are and forces us to be that, whether we are happy or not.  Well, fuck society.  People can be whatever the fuck the wanna be.  So, with that, I'm coming out of the Gender Fluid "closet."  It was only recently (today, Feb.18, 2015) that I have decided this.  Somedays I wanna be a boy, SO I'M GONNA BE A BOY!  Other days I wanna be a girl, SO I'LL BE ONE! I'll be whatever I wanna be whenever I wanna be it!  Sometimes I cross-dress.  THAT'S OKAY! 

One should be able to be whatever they want to be!

It's only society that tells us other wise.

Sadly for them, society had gone to ashes, and the revolution begins!

It shouldn't ever matter who one's self is, because it's their choice.  Not ours.


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