My Chemical Romance

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MCR is my fave band ever! I am currently stalking both Mikey and Gee! I have plans on becoming a polygamist and marrying both (and Lyn-Z cuz she is f'in hott) I may just settle for Mikey though. I know all the words to every song of theirs (even demos and one time live performances) by heart! I learned how to play bass for Mikey...maybe he'll love me.

I really like Mikey's new band, Electric Century. They only have one song out, I Lied, but they already have taken everyone by storm. Mikey is a back up singer! He sounds so cute! But not like Gee.

I also like how Gee's solo career is going. I don't like him writing songs for Taylor Swift though. I don't like that girl :-\

Frankie's doing great too! And he's a professional photographer now! Amazing!!!

I don't know what Ray's doing...he doesn't tweet enough...

I still love Bob Bryar and his wicked cool beard! It's blond and kinda orange!! He's sooooooooo cool

The one year anniversary of their break up is coming up...I plan to mourn their loss. They saved my life, so it was, like, really sad when they broke up...I honestly felt a little betrayed....

It's Mar. 21 today, so only one day until the anniversary. I'm currently listening to EVERY performance (live and recorded and demo sess.) on shuffle. And I start crying every time I hear a live performance or a track off of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. That album literally saved me. It's by far, my favorite.

I was listening to #SINGitforJapan and it was at the "Cleaned up corporation progress..." part, and I started singing. I have a pretty good voice, but I don't use it much cuz my social anxiety, so, anyway, I stated singing this part with all of my heart, and I felt the music, and I sang it so loud, cuz it was how I felt, and I started crying...and it was beautiful.

I always cry when I hear the live version on Cancer. It's, like, a full minute longer, and sadder, and slower, and when Gerard sings it, I feel like I'm dying, but in a good way...kinda....

Heaven Help Us is the current song playing. I always felt that they should have made a music video for this. I could have been in it....I met this chick, who was in a Green Day music video, and she was telling me about it, and at the end she told me that she hopes someday that I could be in my fave bands vid. and I said "I wish, but it's too late now" and she says "oh, you're an MCR fan... I'm sorry" yeah, thanks....

It's 11:53 pm right now, so Mar. 22 is in a few min. Great, I'm gonna cry. Well, I think that's enough MCR for now. Not really. You can never have too much My Chem.

The Life of A No Good, Arms Dealing, Life Stealing, Air Breathing KilljoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora