The Old Fandom

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So, I don't think anyone wants to hear this, but the old fandom fucking sucked. There was always so much hate. A lot of it towards Gee. It's odd, but true. For some reason, the MCRmy has never really been the biggest Gerard Way fan.

In most fandoms, or bandoms, the main character or lead singer gets the most love. Not in the MCRmy. Instead, we give Gerard the most hate. Even when our fandom was not clearly attacking him, which has happened multiple times, we never really give him the respect most people give their lead.

One of the worst times was the time period 2008-2011. During this time, many people accused Gerard of growing a big head and over feeding his ego. People also claimed it wasn't the only thing he was overfeeding...

In the beginning of this period (late 2008 and 2009), Gerard had basically his himself from the public. He refused tobtake pictures, and when he did get a picture taken, he rarely smiled. He had started wearing more clothes and rarely went on Twitter. In a sense, he had tried to disappear. Way later, we found out that during this time, he wrote an album that was entirely scrapped so they could try and make something brighter for the public. He actually wrote almost forty songs. Only ten were able to be used for Conventional Weapons. The others were "too much."

At the start of 2010, Gerard got his alter ego, Party Poison, out to showcase. Unfortunately, a lot of people hated this. They didn't like MCR's new sound, nor Gerard's new look. He was targeted by the media multiple times. It is around this time, Gerard "gave up," in a sense. He started wearing more revealing clothes, trying to "keep up with the Joneses," so to speak. During this time, he also became noticeably thinner. This didn't stop people, however, from saying nasty things about his weight, which even led to him starving himself. There were even whole Tumblr blogs dedicated to "Gerard Way Fat Jokes." They were all run by self proclaimed "fans."

Gerard also became an angry person, which is almost hard to believe. He even grew a sort of hatred for his fans. It got to the point where he wasn't talking to them for awhile. Even when fans wanted pictures with the whole band, Gerard refused. Instead, the pictures would only include Ray, Mikey, and Frank. Because of this, many people claimed Gerard had become an egotistical maniac. In reality, he had become afraid of the fanbase he had created.

Sometime in between 2010 and 2011, Gerard had relapsed into old habits, drinking and experimenting with drugs again. That is why Gerard eventually called it quits, and broke up My Chemical Romance.

What many people don't understand is that when Gerard said he couldn't deal with that life anymore yet started a solo career, is that he couldn't deal with the hate he was constantly getting. As long as he was the lead singer of My Chemical Romance, Gerard was a target.

MCR had to die because its army had been traitorous. Even today, we saying things about Gerard that he would not appreciate. We always joje about things like "his gay he is," even though he has a wife and a child. Some even still joke about him being a bit "chubby." I know from personal experience that that can hurt someone, especially if they have starved themselves before.

Basically, we are starting to become the old fandom all over again. We need to stop.

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