Please Stop.

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        Guys, please, please, please, please stop harassing Frank at his shows. It takes a lot of guts and heart to go up on that stage and part of the reason he’s doing it is you. Yeah, we all were bummed out by MCR breaking up, but in no way does that mean you can go and fuck with him at his solo shows as if he was the fuckin’ reason. Because of this, he has started making his shows 19+ which screws a lot of his younger fans, including myself. Seriously, if you’re a real fan of his, of any of his other bands, or of My Chemical Romance, you wouldn’t be saying the rude shit that is being said at some of his solo shows. Honestly, Frank Iero is one of the nicest people and when he’s on stage he’s either super energetic or super sensitive. The fact is, this is not the first time people have been mean like this to Frank, and it really shows on stage since he becomes really sensitive.





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