Sweet and Sour

564 7 6

Hello, my lovelies! I know I've been gone a lot and I've tried to make an effort to update weekly but it just wasn't happening for a while. I'm going to give it my best but I can't guarantee anything haha -w-. We're at 6.5k now though! That's so crazy to me! You guys are awesome and I hope you enjoy this part :) 

(Bold is Kacchan/Bakugou/or Katsuki, Regular is Deku/Midoriya/or Izuku, Italics are character's thoughts or narrator, and other characters are labeled)

you know the drill ;)


On their way to the strip mall, Deku explained to Uraraka everything that had happened between him and Kacchan. About how kacchan had dragged deku into his room and kissed him, and about the heart-wrenching rejection he got from him after he had asked kacchan if he liked Deku. He told her every last detail about what happened. After he was finished explaining, Deku and Uraraka both were silent for a second before uraraka finally spoke up.

Uraraka: Wow. He's a real prick. 

Deku was a bit stunned by Uraraka's words; he'd never heard anyone, let alone her call kacchan a prick.


Uraraka: What? I was just saying what we were both thinking

Uraraka nonchalantly said as she shrugged her shoulders and casually closed her eyes. Deku, while surprised by Uraraka, couldn't deny what she said. He really was a prick, especially for the way he had handled Deku's question to him. It's like he was almost afraid of something. But, what?

Deku looked over at Uraraka and mirrored her gestures.

Well, I guess I really can't argue with that. He is acting like one right now.

Uraraka looked over at Deku. She had an idea.

Uraraka: Wait, he's acting like a what?

Deku looked confused, she had just said it so he didn't understand why she was asking him what he was talking about.

You know... what you just called him?

Uraraka: Hmm... I don't seem to know what you're talking about?

Uraraka said as she started to develop a devilish smile on her face. Petrified as to why Uraraka was smiling, Deku quietly repeated the word she used to describe kacchan.

Well... you know... a prick

Uraraka's smile grew bigger. Deku was starting to catch on to what she was trying to do and he started to smirk too.

Uraraka: What? I can't hear youuuuuu

He's a prick 

Uraraka: Hmmm, still too quiet I think.

He's a prick!

Uraraka: Say it loud! Say it proud!

Kacchan is a fucking prick!!

After they were both done yelling, there was a short moment of silence before they both suddenly burst with laughter. They both clutched their stomachs as they fell to the ground unable to contain their giggles. Once they'd both caught their breath, they sat up, criss-cross on the ground, not caring if people stared at them, like two preschoolers that were having a play date together. Uraraka, still red in the cheeks from their laughing fit, looked over at Deku.

Uraraka: So, do you feel any better?

Deku, who was still clutching his stomach, took a deep breath and relaxed both of his hands on his lap. 

It's Complicated - BakuDeku YaoiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz