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Hehe, I cannot sleep so I figured I'd work on another part for ya'll :3 Idk if it'll be as long as the last one because that shi was pretty mf long but I shall try my best for you, my lovelies <3

enjoy :)

(Bold is Kacchan/Bakugou/or Katsuki, Regular is Deku/Midoriya/or Izuku, Italics are character's thoughts or narrator, and other characters are labeled)


Kacchan was running as if his life depended on it. He'd never felt so desperate in his entire life. He was so tired too. The crying all night, the emotional exhaustion, the guilt he felt, and the fact that he hasn't eaten at all in the past two days; it was all weighing on him, but he knew he couldn't give up. He knew that he wasn't going to get another chance like this. He knew that if he didn't act now, that things would probably never improve between the two as people, let alone people who love each other. He knew he had to act, and he had to do it now. So, he kept going, he kept running and pushing himself until he finally got to the spot where Deku had was sitting against a wall, all curled up. 

Kacchan stopped and started to catch his breath. He was heaving heavy and Deku noticed he was there. He started to get up to leave again until kacchan stopped him.


Deku ignored him and started to take off anyway until kacchan caught his breath, and yelled once more. 


Deku froze and after finally being able to breathe normally, kacchan spoke again.

Please, just wait. I have something I need to say-

Kacchan said as he tried to put his hand on Deku's shoulder but he shoved it away and cut Kacchan off.

Just why in the fuck...

Deku said as he slowly turned his head around

Should I listen to anything you have to say?

Kacchan's softened expression turned to fear once Deku looked at him. He had never seen such a cold and distant look on Deku's face before. It was like looking at a total stranger. It was like Deku was looking at some dead rodent he found on the side of the street; Total and utter disgust.

Kacchan was again, frozen. He couldn't talk or move, it was like Deku had some power over him, making him cower down to him. But Deku just continued to scowl. 

What? I thought you had something to say? Or was that just some bullshit you made up so you had an excuse to come and annoy me?

He knew he was being mean, but, it was rightfully so. Kacchan did, after all, tell Deku to go die after admitting he liked kacchan and asking him if he felt the same so, he only felt it was fair to give him a taste of his own medicine. And, it was working like a charm; Kacchan was petrified, to say the least. His feelings of desperation were starting to grow, almost to the level his pride was at. 

Listen... I, uh, I wanted to tell you... that uh...

Deku was starting to get annoyed. Kacchan was just stalling so he didn't have to say straightforward how he felt. 

Deku's thoughts: Pathetic.

So, you gonna spit it out already, or are we gonna be here all night?

Kacchan's rage began to grow to the point where he started to shake but, he contained himself.  He knew that this was never going to work and he was never going to be able to explain himself and his feelings if he didn't have a clear head. Kacchan took a deep breath and then spoke.

I... I'm sorry.

Kacchan said as he looked Deku in the eyes. Deku was a bit surprised by this. Kacchan had never apologized to him for anything before, let alone gave him a sincere apology but he could tell; kacchan really did mean it. After coming to that realization, Deku gave him the universal signal to continue. 

I may have overreacted-

Deku gave him an unamused look.

Ok... I really overreacted! And... I'm sorry. I was scared and acted like a damn idiot and lashed out on you when you're the last person I-

Kacchan realized what he was saying and started to get flustered


Kacchan, you're literally yelling.

Deku said with a stale face ._.

WHAT!?? I... ugh... sorry, I'm just nervous. I've never...

Kacchan looked down on the ground and slowly put his hands on Deku's shoulders, gently pushing him up against the wall. Deku didn't resist though, he felt weirdly safe and trusted Kacchan in this moment. 

Kacchan felt his cheeks get warm from what he wanted to say but he ignored that because he had something he needed to say right here, and right now. He looked up and gazed at Deku's face and features before finally speaking.

I've never... liked anyone before and... I like you, Deku.

Deku stood there for a moment while he processed everything that was going on. He was pinned against a wall, by Kacchan of all people, who was setting aside his pride to tell him how he really felt and was even blushing profusely. Once this all registered, Deku started to turn his own shade of pink. He slowly put his head down and into Kacchan's chest and lightly started punching Kacchan in the pec. 

You idiot. You stupid big dumb, dumb, dumb, idiot head...

Deku started tearing up which soon turned to soft crying. Kacchan felt a sense of relief and continued to let Deku punch his chest until he felt satisfied. When he finally stopped, Kacchan held Deku's hand tight to his chest and cradled his head as Deku continued to cry.

Yes, I really am a big dumb, dumb, idiot head. 

It's Complicated - BakuDeku YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now