Heart Throbs: Kacchan

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(Bold is katsuki/bakugou/kacchan, Italics is character's thoughts or narrator or actions, and other characters are labeled)

Beep, Beep, Beep...


Kacchan groaned as he rolled over to smack his alarm clock. After repeatedly missing the off button, he angrliy pulled the plug out of the wall. He only just woke up and already felt completely exhuasted.


As soon as he opened his eyes, Kacchan could feel the resistance as they were puffy and stinging like crazy. After Deku left his house, he spent the rest of the night secretly crying in his room until he became so drained that he eventually fell asleep. Kacchan reached up to stretch his arms and then put one on his face.

I really don't wanna face him today...

Kacchan laid in bed for a few more minutes before finally deciding to get up and get ready for the day. He'd left his school blazer downstairs by accident, and forgetting the state his face was in, went to go get it. Mitsuki, who heard kacchan's footsteps coming from his room, started walking towards him to tell him he left his blazer on the couch...

Mitsuki: KATSUKI! Come get your blazer off the--

Mitsuki's scolding came to a hault as soon as she saw the emotional state he was in. She could see it all over his face.

Mitsuki's head: He's heartbroken?

They may bicker about everything on a daily basis but in the end, she was still his mother and she could feel the heartache that was manifesting inside of her son.

Mitsuki: Um... B-breakfast, uh--

Yeah... whatever, old hag.

Kacchan rubbed his eyes and headed over to the couch to grab his blazer. He then headed to his room, not even taking a second glance at the breakfast that was prepared on the table. 

Mitsuki's head: He never skips breakfast...

Mitsuki now began to grow worried about her son but knew there was nothing she could do for her son right now so, she sent someone else who could...

(Kacchan's room)

Knock ,knock, knock

... I don't want any breakfast

*Door opens*

*Kacchan gets up really fast*

OI! I said I don't!--

Masaru: It's me, Katsuki.

Kacchan was expecting his mom to come bursting through the door but it turned out to be none other than Masaru; his old man. 

Oh... what are you doing here.

Masaru: Your mother's really worried about you.

He came into kacchan's room and sat next to him on his bed but, to Masaru's surprise, he didn't push him away. 

Hah! Her? All that old hag ever does is yell at me a smack me in the head.

Masaru: It may not show through her actions, but she really loves you.

Kacchan didn't say anything besides a quiet little "Psh"

Masaru: we both do.

Kacchan felt pressure in his eyes start to build up as he was about to start crying again. He quickly faced away from his father so that he couldn't see the redness covering his eyes again. 

Masaru: Katsuki you--


*Masaru puts his hands on katsuki's shoulders*

Masaru: Let. It. Out. 

Kacchan's eyes widen at his father's words. For the first time, he actually listened to his father. Kacchan's angery and shocked expression soon turned to a painful face on the verge of tears. 

Masaru could see his son's pained expression and opened his arms wide. kacchan, abandoning his pride, let himself be vulnerable and fell into his father's arms, letting himself be embraced in a tight hug. Kacchan let out a cry not caring who heard him this time while Masaru engulfed him a large hug while patting his head. 

Masaru: That's right, son. Let it all out 

*Mitsuki listening from down the hall, in tears*

(On the phone)

Mitsuki: *sniffles* Yes, Mr. Principal? Katsuki will be staying home from school today.

Mr. Principal: Oh dear, is Mr. Bakugo alright?

Mitsuki: yes... yes, he's just fine.

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