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Heeeeeeello my lovelies.... hehe.... Plz don't kill me. IK I've been gone for like, 47 years, but I have another chapter here 4 u cuz I wuv you and hope this it going to prevent me from getting a serious lecture from you guys but I seriously doubt it but here's to trying? hehe :')

Anywaysssss, I hope you guys enjoy this. BTW's it may or may not be smut, haven't decided yet but ig you'll find out when you get there :)

annnnnnnd, as always...

(Bold is Kacchan/Bakugou/or Katsuki, Regular is Deku/Midoriya/or Izuku, Italics are character's thoughts or narrator, and other characters are labeled)


Kacchan continued to stand there while Deku just let out all of his emotions and feelings through his tears. Telling Kacchan he's a "big dumb idiot" over and over again until he couldn't anymore. Kacchan just waited patiently, something he was never really the best at, but knew was essential considering the current situation, until Deku finally stopped crying and insulting him. 

Kacchan slowly grabbed Deku's chin to see if he was ok with the gesture and then lifted it up so he could see Deku's face. The height difference between the two wasn't too much, but just enough to be noticeable. 

Hah, so cute.

He couldn't help but smile when he saw Deku from this angle. Deku's face was a mess, puffy eyes, dried tears all over his face, and hair all a mess, but Kacchan could only look at Deku with compassion. He didn't care that he was an absolute mess right now, he only felt pure happieness. 

Are you feeling a little bit better now?

Embarrassed from realizing the angle he was at and the way that Kacchan was looking at him, Deku just shook his head yes and hid back into Kacchan's chest. 

Haha, alright.

When he finally felt comfortable to look at Kacchan again, he slowly backed away and started speaking once more. 

I think... we should both go home

Kacchan gave a slanted smile and just nodded his head in agreement.

Can I at least walk you home?

Deku was nervous at the thought of his crush walking him home. He didn't even want to think about what could happen. "What if we get in another fight again?" he thought. But, he pushed those worries aside and decided to just agree to Kacchan's suggestion. 

Uh, yeah... I think that's ok.



As the two were walking home, they talked about everything that had happened. They talked about the night in Kacchan's bedroom, school, and everything that had been said and done. Together, they cleared up alot of confusion and were able to understand one another better. 

So, why didn't you just tell me all of this in the first place? 

Deku's words caused Kacchan to blush. He didn't want to admit that he was scared of  Deku thinking he was soft and vulnerable, but he also didn't want there to be anymore dishonesty between the two either. 

Uh, well... I didn't want you to think I was, like, weak or something... you know?

Deku looked a little confused at first but then let out a little chuckle which turned into a laugh.

HEY! Why're you... laughing at me?

Kacchan had a look of pure embarrassment on his face.

Oh, haha. Well, it's just that... I would never think of you as weak for being honest with me like that. 

Deku said, as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Actually, I think admitting your feelings to the person you like is a really brave thing to do. 

Kacchan's embarrassment turned to relief when Deku said that. They both just smiled at each other as they soon arrived to Deku's house. 

Well, uh... we're here... I guess.

They both kind of stood there for a second. It was funny; they had been conversating the whole walk back to Deku's house yet, in this moment, neither of them could speak. Not a single word was uttered out of either of them. 

It was evident that both of them had the same thought running through their minds but, the both of them were too scared to lets those thoughts spill out into words.

Deku's thoughts: I want him to stay.

Kacchan's thoughts: I want to stay. 

Both of them swooned at the thought of being in each other's company and spending some alone time together but, after the last few days, knew that now was not the right time for that. 

It was obvious that they both were still really hurt from these recent events and needed their own time to process and heal from this emotionally draining situation. 

So, they both gave each other a solemn look as they both knew the needed to part ways for the night. 

Uh... well, I'm gonna go inside and get some sleep, long few days, you know haha? 

Kacchan chuckled softly at deku's small joke. It was a painful last few days but laughing about it gave him a sense of closure and made the whole situation feel like it was far behind them. 

haha... alright... but, just one thing...

Kacchan said shakily as deku had turned away to open his door.

Huh? what is it-

As he turned his head around, Deku was met with a soft kiss on the cheek from kacchan. Deku suddenly turned a light shade of red out of pure happiness. It was nothing big; in fact it was the smallest little thing, but to Deku, it was the best feeling in the world and in that fraction of time, nothing else mattered; all he cared about and could feel was the warmth and sincerity of kaccahn's lips against his cheek. 

As kacchan pulled away from Deku, he was a little shocked at his actions, but felt no regret for them. Instead his cheeks began to flush the smallest amount. He gave Deku the warmest smile as he lay his hands on his shoulders.

His fingers slowly trailed up the nape of Deku's neck; he traced the jawline of his chin and finally ended by gently clasping Deku's face in his palms. Slowly pulling himself closer to Deku's ear, he spoke quietly. 

I'll see you at school tomorrow, Deku.

Kacchan then pulled away from deku's ear and went in for his final good-bye kiss and decided to plant it in the middle of Deku's forehead. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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