We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal

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It doesn't matter what you are. You are your strength. Why must you prove the lie that they are better than us by deluding yourself and hiding beneath a man's clothes? Think of all the women you can help by being you. - Yasmine

I just think that once you're bound to to another, you change. That for the happiness of the one you love, and for your own, you change without knowing it. - Deen

I owe it to the world to try. - Zafira

Why do men think women can't hear them unless we're looking at them? - Zafira

Knowledge without action is vanity, but action without knowledge is insanity. - Benyamin

Tragedies happen once, memories relive them eternally. - Benyamin

It is important to remember that everything and everyone has the capacity for both evil and benevolence. - Benyamin

No one truly treasured a mother's touch until they could no longer feel it. No one missed a mother's love until the well was depleted. - Nasir

Everything that exists does so to repress its opposite. - Lion of Sharr

There is a grand difference between love and a lover. I would say the latter is much more pleasurable. A pity you crave the former. - Lion of Sharr

We feast upon lies when our hearts are ravenous. - The darkness

Remain in the shadow and serve the light. - Zafira

A life without purpose may be no life, but a life without love is nothing but an existence. - Nasir

Strength doesn't come, brother. It must be seized. - Altair

Sometimes, when you live a life of captivity, trapped for so long, freedom becomes a thing to fear. - Kifah

'All right' is when you're bleeding black but it's not as bad as bleeding red. When the world crashes but you're not alone when it does. When the darkness is absolute but you hunt down the smallest flame and coax it brighter. When you carve the good out of every bad and claim it a victory. - Zafira

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