Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian

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If they don't appreciate your presence, they may never even recognize your absence.

Silence is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of intelligence and inner power.

Learn to be an observer, a deep one, who reflects not only on his or her mistakes, but also on the mistakes of others.

Anticipate a better, rather than anticipating a good.

It's interesting how a good thing can be interpreted in so many ways other than itself.

Life never turns its back on you. You turn your back on yourself when you allow every closed door to stop you from moving on to the next one.

We read too much between the lines of hope that we weave in our own mind's imagination, only to figure out at the end that we have woven a web of fragile hopes upon fragile hopes.

The stars may be too far for my reach, but I am just as far from them as they are from me.

Admire those who respect you even though they know how forgiving you'd be if they didn't.

Don't tell me to follow my heart. My heart is innocent. The world is not.

a true leader is one who aspires to make those around him think critically and perceive the world with an open mind. To honor a true leader, you don't follow them; you show them that their philosophies and actions encouraged you to free your mind to think.

Mastery gives us confidence, and confidence gives us motivation to move on to pursue our dreams.

In a desert, you can see an illusion of water partly because of your thirst, but that doesn't mean that it exists.

If you cannot appreciate what you don't have before you have it, you will not appreciate it after you have it.

right life is relative.

Start doing what you love, the right way.

Just because someone doesn't acknowledge what you do, it does not mean that they don't see it.

It's a valuable quality to be able to recognize bad things when you see them and to learn from them. If you have that sensitivity, never let it go.

Your heart gravitates towards real happiness, whether it is your definition of happiness or not.

We selectively choose what to see in others based on our purpose of having them in our lives.

Be like a breeze of change that inspires others to see their abilities without needing you to stay.

As long as I breathe, I learn. As long as I have a purpose, I live. As long as I have a goal, I progress. As long as I have something to live for, I fight. As long as I struggle, I hope. I am what I do, and who I am is not who you see.

See the best in yourself before you see it in others because, if you can't see the best in yourself, you will come to believe the worst that people believe of you.

A true leader will tell you to stop following him if he notices that you're following.

The reality you live in is partially up to you. The fantasy you live in is entirely up to you.

All we have to do is wait, for the perfect moment is not the one that you plan but the one that happens despite what you have planned.

Contentment is bliss, and happiness flies on the wings of gratitude.

Every success becomes more victorious by weakening the sense of pride that comes with it.

If you sense insincerity, take a step back. If they think you're worth it, they'll take a step forward.

Wake a wise man up about his oppression, and he will thank you for it. Wake a fool up about his oppression, and he will blame you for it.

Criticism can break the strongest of souls, and advice can build the weakest of spirits.

we really are a distortion ourselves, yet we expect reality to be so clear.

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